Trump and Vance Speak at Atlanta Rally

Trump and Vance Speak at Atlanta Rally

Former President Trump and running mate Sen. J.D. Vance speak at the Georgia State University Convocation Center in Atlanta, Ga. Read the transcript here.

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Music (00:22):

Why don’t we liberate these United States, the ones who need it worst? Let the of world help us for a change, and let’s rebuild America first. Our highways and bridges are falling apart, who’s blessed and who has been cursed? There’s things to be done all over the world, but let’s rebuild America first.

JD Vance (00:54):

Wow. Thank you. All right, my friends. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Well, it is great to be in Atlanta. Hello, Georgia. In 93 days, we’re going to take back our country and elect Donald J. Trump once again. It’s going to start right here in Georgia. Now let’s recap the last month in political history. We have to remember, just over a month ago, President Trump wiped the floor with Joe Biden on that debate stage, exposing a massive cover-up of the President’s mental incapacity. He saved America from four more years of the disaster of Joe Biden. And during that same time, Donald Trump accepted our own party’s nomination with overwhelming support. We held the most successful convention in history. He took a bullet for this country and didn’t miss a single day of work.

Now he did that in one month. Just imagine what he’s going to do with four more years. Ain’t that right? Now, after covering up Joe Biden’s incompetence for the last three and a half years, our friends in the media are at it again. This time they’re gaslighting us on Kamala Harris’s radical record. They want to portray her as some kind of sensible moderate, despite all evidence to the contrary. Now, this is the same media that told us, remember my friends for three and a half years that Joe Biden, who couldn’t complete a sentence was Albert Einstein. And now they want to tell us that Kamala Harris is Abraham Lincoln.

But anybody who is too blind to see Biden’s incompetence, or let’s be honest, too dishonest to admit it, doesn’t deserve to be commander in chief. Kamala Harris is not getting a promotion to the Presidency of the United States. Now, the Democrat party bosses would like to install her as their new nominee and as the next President. But remember, she has not received a single vote for President. Let’s actually give Democrat primary voters some credit, because in their primary in 2020, Kamala Harris was so unpopular she didn’t even make it to the first vote being cast. She wasn’t in the top three in her home state of California. And the reason is Democrat voters know what every American agrees with. America is never going to elect a San Francisco liberal who’s so far outside the mainstream, we’re not going to elect Kamala Harris as President.

Now let us count the ways of the disastrous policies of Kamala Harris. 500,000 kids. I was at the border just a couple of days ago. 500,000 kids had been trafficked by the drug cartels because of her policy. She was the border czar. The media lies to you, but she was. Hard-working Americans cannot afford groceries because of her policies. Gas and energy are through the roof because of her policies. Housing prices are out of control because of her policies. You cannot let in 20 million illegal aliens to compete with Americans for scarce housing and then raise interest rates, which is exactly what Kamala Harris has done. And people right here in Georgia and all across the country have suffered because of it. Now the media calls her a moderate, but there’s nothing the fake news loves more than a fact check. So let’s do a fact check. Kamala Harris was the most liberal United States Center during her entire time in public service.

As America’s border czar, Kamala Harris unleashed the worst border crisis in American history. 10 million illegal aliens have invaded this country. That’s what they say. That’s the official number. It’s probably more than that. Biden-Harris, on day one, they suspended deportations. They stopped building the border wall. I saw it just a couple of days ago. It’s sitting there on the ground ready to be finished, but Kamala Harris won’t let him. They reinstated catch and release. Then they proposed amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Kamala Harris turned border patrol into a travel agency for the worst criminals and terrorists all over the world. Now we have a different message, President Trump and I do. If you’re in this country illegally, start packing your bags, you go home in six months. But we’re not done yet. The border isn’t the only thing Kamala Harris has wrecked during her time in office. In 2021, she was the tie-breaking vote on $2 trillion of reckless spending that juiced this inflation crisis and sent a lot of money to China.

Well, I don’t think we should send money to China. I think we ought to keep it right here at home. Remember the Inflation Reduction Act, which was really the inflation is a disaster act, she cast the deciding vote, triggered the worst affordability crisis in generations. And at the same time, she said that high gas prices were, “the price to pay for democracy.” A woman who’s never earned a vote for President of the United States, that’s the price for democracy. That’s not the price for democracy, my friends. It’s the price we paid for her failed leadership. Now, Harris wants to ban fracking, ban offshore drilling, take away your gas cars. And by the way, I think in America, you ought to be able to drive whatever the hell you want to, because this is America and we believe in freedom.

She wants to take away your gas stoves, even wants to take away your ability to eat red meat. That’s how out there she is. That’s real. The fake news will fact check it. They’ll fact check it. True. She actually said that. In other words, she thinks that she’s better than us. She thinks she’s better than you. She thinks she’s smarter than you. She thinks you need to be told how to live your life. But this November, let’s tell the Washington elites, let’s tell Kamala Harris, mind your own damn business. We’re electing Donald J. Trump, President of the United States. Now. Now, every time, every time the Democrats attack us and attack our movement, they can’t help but tell on themselves. They reveal how much they hate the American people. Now remember this. Remember Barack Obama said, we cling to God and guns. Remember that? Hillary Clinton called us deplorables. And now Kamala Harris says we’re weird. Well, Kamala, I’m glad you brought that up. Let’s talk about some things that are weird. We think it’s weird that Democrats want to put sexually explicit books in toddlers libraries. We think it’s weird that the far left wants to allow biological males to beat the living crap out of women in boxing. We think it’s weird for a Presidential candidate to bail convicted rapists and murderers out prison, and that’s what Kamala Harris did. And I think it’s especially weird when Kamala Harris comes to Atlanta, I believe came here to this arena, Kamala Harris comes to Atlanta and talks with a fake southern accent, even though she grew up in Canada. You can’t make it up. That’s pretty weird. Go watch the clip. She sounded like a southern belle. Even though she grew up in Vancouver, it doesn’t make any sense. But on November 5th, she can go back to using her San Francisco accent, because we’re going to send her packing and we’re going to reelect Donald J. Trump, President of the United States. Now, we can handle the made-up attacks by Democrats and by the media, because we’re used to it by now. But here’s something I can’t stomach about Kamala Harris. It’s when she has the nerve to question our loyalty to this country. And she does. Well, here’s what President Trump and I believe about loyalty. Loyalty to this country is closing our border, not opening it up. Loyalty is making life more affordable, not causing inflation, because you can’t stop sending money like a drunken sailor. Loyalty is safeguarding Medicare for American citizens, not bankrupting it by sending it to illegal aliens, which is what she wants to do. Loyalty is protecting Lake and Riley, not allowing an illegal immigrant to take her life. Loyalty is serving in the United States Marine Corps, something I’m proud to have done. Loyalty is taking a bullet for this country, something Donald J. Trump did. Kamala Harris, if you want to see the face of disloyalty, look in the damn mirror.

Now, for decades we’ve gotten used to it. Politicians in Washington have sold out this country. We got to remember, when the multinational corporations and the lobbyists called their offices, a lot of them traded American jobs for campaign cash. Now, they never admit that of course, they’d brag about trade deals and they’d promise cheap products. They called it globalization. And that’s what it was. Sending American jobs to some other part of the globe, instead of keeping them right here at home. And my friends, if it’s up to Kamala Harris, it’s going to keep on happening. Let’s remember her record. She voted to preserve NAFTA, the very trade deal that sent American jobs to Mexico and turned American dreams into nightmares.

Now she’s asking us for a promotion and I think it’s time to say to Kamala Harris, “You’re fired.” The American dream, the American dream is dying under Kamala Harris, but we’re going to save it. We’re going to save it for every American regardless of color or creed. And we’re going to do it when we re-elect Donald J. Trump, President of the United States. That’s why we got to do it. You know, President Trump knows a few things that the Washington politicians forgot. He knows that a million cheap plastic toys from China is not worth a single American manufacturing job.

We’re going to rebuild American manufacturing. We’re going to rebuild the factories, we’re going to rebuild the American dream and we’re going to stamp more products made in the USA. It’s a beautiful thing and that’s what we’re going to do. Now, I’ve seen the consequences of electing failed politicians like Kamala Harris. I’ve seen it in my own hometown, because more often than not, it’s the people the Bible calls the least of these that suffer the most when Kamala Harris doesn’t do her job. They like to say they’re for the little guy, but it’s the little guy who hurts the most when Kamala Harris fails. Now a lot of my story, you know how I grew up. I was raised by a strong woman, a Christian grandmother who loved the Lord, but also loved the F-word, ladies and gentlemen. She was a study in contrast. I think there are a few out here just like it.

Now people ask me, “How is it that you were able to grow up in a poor family, grow up in a family that was struggling, had a lot of chaos and a lot of trouble?”

And the answer is because one, this is the greatest country in the world and the American dream is still possible. The second answer is because I had a mamaw who was tough as nails and she kept me on the right path. Now, can tell you a lot of stories. I can tell you a lot of stories. Well, one of my favorite mamaw stories is when I enlisted in the US Marine Corps, she was very proud of me, of course, but it was a time of war, and mamaw was not happy that a recruiter had persuaded me to enlist the Marines. So I remember, he came over to our house and started to walk up the steps to her porch, and she said, “Look, if you step one more foot on my porch, I’m going to blow that thing off.” And she had 19 handguns at home, so that was not an idle threat.

But that strength and that discipline allowed me to achieve my dreams and things worked out for me, because we love our country, it’s a great country, and because there are women like mamaw all over this country, making sure kids are able to achieve their dreams. Thank you. But let’s be honest, there were some tough times too. And this goes to the point about Kamala Harris’s failures. I remember the reason mamaw raised me, is because my mom struggled with addiction for a big chunk of my early life. And I’m proud to say that she has been clean and sober for almost 10 years now. I’m so proud of my mom. Thank you. And for all those struggling with this terrible problem of addiction, no, there is hope and there is recovery. It’s worth it. You got to keep fighting for it, but we support you and we support your dreams for second chances.

But wasn’t always that good. Didn’t always think that I would get a second chance with my mom. I remember being a kid waiting at the bedside of my mom, angry that she had taken something she shouldn’t have taken. And just praying to God, even though I was so mad, praying to God, “Please Jesus, just let her wake up. Don’t let this thing be the thing that took her life.” And the unfortunate truth, my friends, is that the poison that Kamala Harris has let into this country means there are a lot of kids like me who are not going to have those prayers answered. We’re going to remember who we’re fighting for. And it’s the kids at the side of those bedside tables begging God for their parents to wake up. We’re going to make sure that happens. We’re going to fight for the people who are struggling in this country.

And the contrast, the contrast between an America led by Kamala Harris and an America led by President Trump. It couldn’t be more clear. Remember, President Trump’s vision was closed borders and open factories. Kamala Harris’s vision is the exact opposite, open borders and closed factories. Kamala Harris, she wants bigger government that can tell you what to do. And she also wants smaller bank accounts, which I think a lot of us have seen. But Donald Trump, by contrast, delivered record paychecks and the strongest border in history. What an amazing record of accomplishment. Kamala Harris wants to ban fracking and buy energy from every tin pot dictator all over the world. Donald Trump wants to drill, baby, drill. Let’s get it from our own workers and our own territory. Kamala Harris wants to raise your taxes and she wants to make it easier for companies to ship jobs to Mexico and China. Donald Trump wants to lower taxes for hardworking families.

In fact, he already did it. And we want to reward companies that hire American and buy American. It’s all about protecting the workers of this country. Kamala Harris wants to defund the police and let violent criminals out of jail. Donald Trump wants to lock up the bad guys and back the blue, and he did it for four years. He’s going to do it again. So I want to send a message out there to those who are struggling, those who are trying to make ends meet. If you’re scraping by instead of thriving, I know what that feels like. I know what it’s like to choose between paying off the credit card or buying groceries. I know what it’s like to watch families fall apart under financial stress. I know what it’s like to worry that a parent will never kick that habit, and I know what it’s like to worry that that habit is going to eventually claim their lives. But I also know that our national motto is in God we trust, and God tells us not to despair, but to hope. Hope. And while the media likes to lie about this movement and this party, this movement of ours is about a simple idea. We love this country enough that we will never give up hope and we will never stop fighting for a better future for everybody, whether they vote for us or not. If you’re an American citizen, we love you and we’re going to fight for you. Now, we know that in this election, the best way to give our people hope for the future is to re-elect the guy who already did it and did it very well. Donald J. Trump, the once and future President of the United States.

In just a few months, I believe this state of Georgia is going to lead a great American restoration, a restoration of safety, of prosperity, and yes, of hope. We’re going to secure our borders. We’re going to kick out the drugs and the illegal immigrants. We’re going to rebuild American manufacturing. We’re going to bring jobs back to this country and we are going to buy American, for American, for our people. It’s going to start in Georgia. God bless you all. Thank you so much for having me. I’m going to be your next Vice President and we are going to win Georgia, and win this country. I love you all. Thank you so much for having me.

Music (23:41):

Why don’t we liberate these United States, we’re the ones who need it worst. Let the rest of the world help us for change, and let’s rebuild America first. Our highways and bridges are falling apart, who’s blessed and who has been cursed? There’s things to be done all over the world, but let’s rebuild America first.

Who’s on the hill and who’s watching the valley? Who’s in charge of it all? God bless the army and God bless our liberty, dad gum the rest of it all. Yeah, the men in position are backing away. Freedom is stuck in reverse. Let’s get out of Iraq, get back on the track, and let’s rebuild America first.

Once more. Why don’t we liberate these United States? We’re the ones who need it the most. You think I’m blowing smoke? Boys, it ain’t no joke. I make 20 trips a year from coast to coast.

Speaker 1 (26:06):

Joe Biden made Kamala Harris border czar to fix immigration. First, she ignored it.

Speaker 2 (26:11):

Do you have any plans to visit the border?

Kamala Harris (26:15):

At some point.

Speaker 1 (26:16):

Then she just lied.

Kamala Harris (26:17):

The border is secure.

Speaker 1 (26:19):

10 million illegal immigrants. Migrant crime out of control. Fentanyl kills thousands.

Kamala Harris (26:24):

We have a secure border.

Speaker 1 (26:29):

Kamala Harris. Failed, weak, dangerously liberal.

Music (26:33):

Well it’s been building up inside of me for, oh, I don’t know how long. I don’t know why, but I keep thinking something’s bound to go wrong. But she looks in my eyes and makes me realize, and she says, “Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Everything will turn out all right. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby.

I guess I should have kept my mouth shut when I started to brag about my car, but I can’t back down now because I pushed the other guys too far. She makes me come alive, and makes me want to drive when she says, “Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Everything will turn out all right. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby.”

She told me, “Baby, when you race today just take along my love with you. And if you knew how much I loved you, baby, nothing could go wrong with you.”

Oh, what she does to me when she makes love to me, and she says, “Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Everything will turn out all right. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby. Don’t worry, baby.”

Clean shirt, new shoes, and I don’t know where I’m going to. Silk suit, black tie, and I don’t need a reason why. They coming running just as fast as they can, because every girl’s crazy about a sharp dressed man.

Gold watch, diamond ring, I ain’t missing not a single thing. Cufflinks, stick pin, when I step out I’m going to do you in. They come running just as fast as they can, because every girl’s crazy about a sharp dressed man.

Music (31:00):

Top coat, top hat.

But I don’t worry ’cause my wallet’s fat.

Black shades, white gloves.

Lookin’ sharp, I’m lookin’ for love.

They come runnin’ just as fast as they can.

‘Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man.

Come here, sugar.

Right to me.

You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain.

Too much love drives a man insane.

You broke my will, but what a thrill.

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.

I laughed at love ’cause I thought it was funny.

You came along and you moved me, honey.


I’ve changed my mind, this love is fine.

[inaudible 00:34:19].

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.

Now, kiss me, baby.

Wooh, it feels good.

Hold me, baby.

Girl, just let me love you like a lover should.

You’re fine, so kind.

I’m gonna tell this world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine.

I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs.

I’m real nervous, but it sure is fun.

Come on, baby, you’re drivin’ me crazy.

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.

Audio (35:40):

Mr. Freed, Jerry Lee Lewis can blow Chuck Berry right off of that stage.

Why do I have to go on before him?

Because he’s at six number one hits and you’ve had only two in the top 10.

Well, who’s got the number one record right now?


My point exactly.

He should go on on before me.

Can’t. It’s in his contract that he closes the show.

Okay, Captain. If that’s the way you want it.

Music (36:29):

Well kiss me, baby.

Ooh, it feels good.

Hold me, baby.

I want to love you like a lover should.

You’re fine, so kind.

I got to tell this world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine.

I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs.

I’m real nervous, ’cause it sure is fun.

Come on, baby, drive me crazy.

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.

I say goodness gracious, great balls of fire.

Audio (38:02):


[inaudible 00:37:54] killer? You’re considered the most liberal United States Senator.

We’re not going to treat people who are undocumented and cross the border as criminal. Abolish ICE.

Yeah, is that a position that you agree with?

We need to probably think about starting from scratch.

Say it loud. Say it clear. Everyone is welcome here.

Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border.

Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.

You support giving universal healthcare, Medicare for All, to people who are in this country illegally?

I am opposed to any policy that would deny, in our country, any human being, from access to public health, period.

You support the Medicare for All bill. I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. For people out there who like their insurance, they don’t get to keep it?

Let’s eliminate all of that.

Boston Marathon bomber, on death row. People who are convicted of sexual assault. They should be able to vote?

I think we should have that conversation.

As President of the United States, I am prepared to pass a Green New Deal.

Would you ban offshore drilling?


What is the solution for voters who have jobs and interests in the fossil fuel industry?

Transition into the jobs of the future.

Would you support changing the dietary guidelines? Reduce red meat, specifically?

Yes. I would.

We have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program.

Music (44:12):

Ever since I was a young boy.

I’ve played the silver ball.

From Soho down to Brighton.

I must have played ’em all.

But I ain’t seen nothing like him.

In any amusement hall.

That deaf, dumb and blind kid.

Sure plays a mean pinball.

He stands like a statue.

Becomes part of the machine.

Feeling all the bumpers.

Always playing clean.

He plays by intuition.

The digit counters fall.

That deaf, dumb and blind kid.

Sure plays a mean pinball.

He’s a pinball wizard.

There has got to be a twist.

A pinball wizard got such a supple wrist.

How do you think he does it?

I don’t know.

What makes him so good?

Well, he ain’t got no distractions.

Can’t hear no buzzers and bells.

Don’t see lights a-flashin’.

He plays by sense of smell.

Always has a replay.

Never tilts at all.

That deaf, dumb and blind kid.

Sure plays a mean pinball.

You can’t beat him now.

I’ve always been the champ.

I know every trick.

No freak’s gonna beat my hand.

On my usual table, he can beat the best.

His disciples lead him in, and he just does the rest.

He’s got crazy flipper fingers.

I’ve never seen him fall.

That deaf, dumb, and blind kid.

Sure plays a mean pinball.

He’s a pinball wizard.

There has to be a twist.

A pinball wizard’s got such a supple wrist.

He’s a pinball wizard.

He scores a trillion more.

A pinball wizard, the world’s new pinball lord.

He’s scoring more.

He’s scoring more.

I thought I was the Bally table king.

But I just handed my pinball crown to him.

To him.

To him.

This is a man’s world.

This is a man’s world. But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing, nothing, without a woman or a girl.

You see, man made the cars.

To take us over the road.

Man made the train.

To carry the heavy load.

Man made the electric lighting.

To take us out of the dark.

And man made the boat for the water.

Like my Bible said Noah made the ark.

This is a man’s world.

But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing, nothing, without a woman or a girl.

[foreign language 00:46:23]

Man thinks about our little bitty baby girls.

And our baby boys.

Man make them happy.

‘Cause man make them toys.

And after man make everything he can.

Man make little pesos, dollars, rubles.

To buy from every good woman, every man.

It is a man’s world.

[foreign language 00:47:45]

He lost.

Man’s world.

In the wilderness.

It’s a man’s world.

He lost.

[foreign language 00:48:13]

[inaudible 00:48:16].

This is a man’s world.

Mama, just killed a man.

Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he’s dead.

Mama, life had just begun.

But now I’ve gone and thrown it all away.

Mama, ooh, didn’t mean to make you cry.

If I’m not back again this time tomorrow.

Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.

Too late, my time has come.

Sends shivers down my spine, body’s aching all the time.

Goodbye, everybody, I’ve got to go.

Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.

Mama, ooh, I don’t wanna die.

I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all. I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day.

Overtime hours for bullshit pay.

So I can sit out here and waste my life away.

Drag back home and drown my troubles away.

It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to.

For people like me and people like you.

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true.

But it is, oh, it is.

Livin’ in the new world.

With an old soul.

These rich men north of Richmond.

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control. Wanna know what you think.

Wanna know what you do.

And they don’t think you know.

But I know that you do.

‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit.

And it’s taxed to no end.

‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond.

I wish politicians would look out for miners.

And not just minors on an island somewhere. Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat.

And the obese milking welfare.

Well, God, if you’re 5’3″ and you’re 300 pounds.

Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of Fudge Rounds.

Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground.

‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down.

Lord, It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to. For people like me and people like you.

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true.

But it is, oh, it is.

Living’ in the new world.

With an old soul.

These rich men north of Richmond.

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control.

Wanna know what you think.

Wanna know what you do.

And they don’t think you know.

But I know that you do.

‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit.

And it’s taxed to no end.

‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond. I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day.

Overtime hours for bullshit pay.

I can see what’s happening.


And they don’t have a clue.


They’ll fall in love.

And here’s the bottom line.

Our trio’s down to two.


The sweet caress of twilight.

There’s magic everywhere.

And with all this romantic atmosphere.

Disaster’s in the air.

Can you feel the love tonight?

The peace the evening brings.

The world for once in perfect harmony.

With all its living things.

So many things to tell her.

But how to make her see.

The truth about my past?

Impossible! She’d turn away from me.

He’s holding back, he’s hiding.

But what, I can’t decide.

Why won’t he be the king I know he is?

The king I see inside?

Can you feel the love tonight?

The peace the evening brings. The world for once in perfect harmony.

With all its living things.

Can you feel the love tonight?

You needn’t look too far.

Stealing through the night’s uncertainties.

Love is where they are.

And if he falls in love tonight.


And I’ve set up and torn down this stage with my own two hands.

We’ve traveled this land packed tight in minivans.

And all this for the fans, girls, money, and fame.

I play their game, and then they scream my name.

I will show no shame.

I live and die for this.

And if I come off soft, then chew on this.

Are you scared?

Devil without a cause, and I’m back.

With the beaver hats and Ben Davis slacks.

30-pack of Stroh’s, 30-pack of hoes.

No Rogaine in the propane flows.

The chosen one, I’m the living proof.

With the gift of gab from the city of truth.

I jabbed and stabbed and knocked critics back.

And I did not stutter when I said that.

I’m goin’ platinum.

Sellin’ rhymes.

I went platinum.

Seven times.

And still they ill, they wanna see us fry.

I guess because of only God knows why, why, why, why.

They call me cowboy.

I’m the singer in black.

So throw a finger in the air.

Let me see where you’re at.

And say.

Hey, hey.

Let me hear where you’re at, and say.

Hey, hey.

I’m giving it back so say.

Hey, hey.

Show me some metal and say.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.


Fuck all y’all.

I like AC/DC and ZZ Top.

Bocephus, Beasties, and the Kings of Rock.

Skynyrd, Seger, Limp, Korn, the Stones.

David Allan Coe, with No Show Jones.

Yeah, pass that bottle around. Got the rock from Detroit and soul from Motown.

The underground stoned fuckin’ pimp.

With tracks that mack and slap back the whack.

Never gayed away, I don’t play with ass.

But watch me rock with Liberace flash.

Punk rock, the Clash.

Boy bands are trash.

I like Johnny Cash and Grandmaster Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash.

They call me cowboy.

I’m the singer in black.

So throw a finger in the air.

Let me see where you’re at.

And say.

Hey, hey.

Let me hear where you’re at, and say.

Hey, hey.

I’m giving it back so say.

Hey, hey.

Show me some metal and say.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

[inaudible 00:59:44]

Yeah, I saw your band.

Jumping around on stage like a bunch of wounded ducks.

When you gonna learn, sucker?

You just can’t fuck with Twisted Brown Trucker.

I’m an American Bad Ass, watch me kick.

You can roll with Rock or you can suck my dick.

I’m a porno flick, I’m like Amazing Grace. I’m gonna fuck some hoes after I rock this place.

Super fly, livin’ double wide.

Sidecar my glide so Joe C can ride.

Full sack to share, bringin’ flash and glare.

Got the long hair, swingin’ middle finger in the air.

Snakeskin suits, ’65 Chevelle.

See me ride in sin, hear the rebel yell.

I won’t live to tell.

So if you do.

Give the next generation a big fuck you.

Who knew I’d blow up like Oklahoma?

Said fuck high school, pissed on my diploma.

Smell the aroma, check my hits.

I know it stinks in here.

‘Cause I’m the shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.


They call me cowboy.

I’m the singer in black.

So throw a finger in the air.

Let me see where you’re at.

And say.

Hey, hey.

Let me hear where you’re at, and say.

Hey, hey.

I’m giving it back so say.

Hey, hey.

Show me some metal and say.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I’m a cowboy, badass in black.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.

From side to side, from front to back, say.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I put Detroit City back on the map for singin’.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Kid Rock’s in the house, and that’s where I’m at.

Music (01:04:07):

Gloria, you’re always on the run now.

Running after somebody, you gotta get him somehow.

I think you’ve got to slow down before you start to blow it.

I think you’re headed for a breakdown, so be careful not to show it.

You really don’t remember, was it something that he said?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

Gloria, don’t you think you’re fallin’?

If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody callin’?

You don’t have to answer.

Leave them hangin’ on the line, oh oh oh, calling Gloria.



I think they got your number.


I think they got your alias.


That you’ve been living under.


But you really don’t remember, was it something that they said?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria? A ha ha, a ha ha, Gloria, how’s it gonna go down?

Will you meet him on the main line, or will you catch him on the rebound?

Will you marry for the money, take a lover in the afternoon?

Feel your innocence slipping away, don’t believe it’s comin’ back soon.

And you really don’t remember, was it something that he said?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

Gloria, don’t you think you’re fallin’?

If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody callin’?

You don’t have to answer.

Leave them hangin’ on the line, oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria.



I think they got your number.


I think they got your alias.


That you’ve been living under.


But you really don’t remember, was it something that they said?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria.

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria.

Gloria, Gloria.

Audience (01:04:40):


Music (01:07:24):

Run, boy, run.

This world is not meant for you.

Run, boy, run.

They’re trying to catch you.

Run, boy, run.

Running is a victory.

Run, boy, run.

Beauty lies behind the hills.

Run, boy, run.

The sun will be guiding you.

Run, boy, run.

They’re trying to stop you.

Run, boy, run.

This race is a prophecy.

Run, boy, run.

Break out from society.

Donald Trump (01:07:44):

We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. So, with American pride swelling in our hearts, and American courage stirring in our souls, I say these words to you tonight. We will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again.

Music (01:10:53):



Wanna feel my body, body.

Wanna feel my body, baby?

Such a thrill, my body, body.

Such a thrill, my body, yeah, yeah.

Wanna touch my body, body.

Wanna touch my body, baby?

It’s too much, my body, body.

It’s too much, my body, yeah, yeah.

Check it out, my body, body.

Check it out, my body, baby.

Don’t you doubt my body, body.

Don’t you doubt my body, yeah, yeah.

Talkin’ bout my body, body.

Talkin’ bout my body, yeah.

Check it out, my body, body.

Listen here.

Every man wants to be a macho, macho man.

To have the kind of body always in demand.

Jogging in the mornings, go, man, go.

Work-outs in the health spa, muscles glow.

You can best believe that he’s a macho man.

He’s ready to get down with anyone he can.

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Macho, macho man.

Macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho, macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho! Ow!

Macho, macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho man.

Macho, macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho!

Body, body.

It’s so hot, my body, body.

It’s so hot, my body, baby.

Love to pop my body, body.

Love to pop my body, yeah, yeah.

Love to please my body, body.

Love to please my body, baby.

Don’t you tease my body, body.

Don’t you tease my body, yeah.

You’ll adore my body, body.

You’ll adore my body, baby.

Come explore my body, body.

Come explore my body, yeah, yeah.

Made by God, my body, body.

Made by God, my body, baby.

It’s so good, my body, body.


You can tell a macho, he has a funky walk.

His Western shirts and leather always look so boss.

Funky with his body, he’s a king.

Call him Mr. Ego, dig his chains.

You can best believe that he’s a macho man.

He likes to be the leader, he never dresses grand.

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Macho, macho man.

Macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho, macho man, yeah.

I’ve got to be a macho!

All right!

Macho, macho man.

Yeah, yeah.

I’ve got to be a macho man.

Macho, macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho.

All right!

Ugh! Macho, baby.

Body, body, body.

Wanna feel my body.

Wanna feel my body, baby.

Body, body, body.

Gonna thrill my body.

Gonna thrill my body, baby.

Body, body, body.

Don’t-cha stop my body.

Don’t-cha stop my body, baby.

Body, body, body.

It’s so hot, my body.

It’s so hot, my body, baby.

My body, baby.

My body, all right.

Every man ought to be a macho, macho man.

To live a life of freedom, machos make a stand.

Have their own lifestyle and ideals.

Possess the strength and confidence, life’s a steal.

You can best believe that he’s a macho man.

He’s a special person in anybody’s land.

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Macho, macho man.

Macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho, macho man.

Macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho!

Dig the hair on my chest.

Macho, macho man.

See my big, thick mustache.

I’ve got to be a macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho, macho man.

Macho, macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho!

Dig broad shoulders.

Macho, macho man.

Dig my muscles!

I’ve got to be a macho man.

Talkin’ ’bout a mucho, mucho.

I’ve got to be a macho, macho man.

Macho, macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho!

Macho, macho man.

I’ve got to be a macho man.

I’ve got to be a mucho, mucho…

Ooh, you can dance, you can jive.

Having the time of your life.

Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene.

Digging the dancing queen.

Friday night and the lights are low.

Looking out for a place to go.

Where they play the right music, getting in the swing.

You come to look for a king.

Anybody could be that guy.

Night is young and the music’s high.

With a bit of rock music, everything is fine.

You’re in the mood for a dance.

And when you get the chance.

You are the dancing queen.

Young and sweet, only 17.

Dancing queen.

Feel the beat from the tambourine.

Oh, yeah.

You can dance, you can jive.

Having the time of your life.

Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene.

Digging the dancing queen.

You’re a teaser, you turn ’em on.

Leave ’em burning and then you’re gone.

Looking out for another, anyone will do.

You’re in the mood for a dance.

And when you get the chance.

You are the dancing queen.

Young and sweet, only 17.

Dancing queen.

Feel the beat from the tambourine.

Oh, yeah.

You can dance, you can jive.

Having the time of your life.

Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene.

Digging the dancing queen.

Digging the dancing queen.

Young man, there’s no need to feel down.

I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.

I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town.

There’s no need to be unhappy.

Young man, there’s a place you can go.

I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough.

You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find.

Many ways to have a good time.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

They have everything for young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal.

You can do whatever you feel.

Young man, are you listening to me?

I said, young man, what do you wanna be?

I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.

But you got to know this one thing.

No man does it all by himself.

I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf.

And just go there to the YMCA.

I’m sure they can help you today.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

They have everything for young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal.

You can do whatever you feel.

Young man, I was once in your shoes.

I said, I was down and out with the blues.

I felt no man cared if I was alive.

I felt the whole world was so jive.

That’s when someone came up to me.

And said, “Young man, take a walk up the street.”

“There’s a place there called the YMCA.”

“They can start you back on your way.”

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

They have everything for young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.


It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.

Young man, young man, there’s no need to feel down.

Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground.

YMCA. It’s…

Dana White (01:20:36):

It’s my honor to introduce the 45th and soon to be 47th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Donald Trump (01:21:48):

November 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. And we will bring our country back together, bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater, and more united than ever before. And together, we will win, win, win.

Ronny Jackson (01:22:08):

I have never, ever been prouder of President Trump, of my president, than when he stood up with blood all over his face-

Audience (01:22:14):

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Ronny Jackson (01:22:14):

And he raised his fist in defiance and he shook his fist.

Donald Trump (01:22:17):

They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you, and I just happen to be standing in their way, and I will never be moving.

Donald Trump, Jr. (01:22:24):

He’s not meant to be stopped. He’s meant to help fix this country.

Donald Trump (01:22:27):

On November 5th, 2024, we will take back our country, and we will make America great again.

Speaker 3 (01:22:41):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next vice president of the United States, Senator J. D. Vance.

Music (01:23:00):

Why don’t we liberate these United States?

We’re the ones who need it worst.

Let the rest of the world help us for change.

And let’s rebuild America first.

Our highways and bridges are falling apart.

Who’s blessed and who has been…

JD Vance (01:23:24):

It’s good to see you all again. Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to hear from the next president of the United States?

Audience (01:23:35):


JD Vance (01:23:35):

That wasn’t quite loud enough. Are you ready to hear from the next president of the United States?

Audience (01:23:45):


JD Vance (01:23:45):

Remember, eight years ago, Donald Trump had everything: fame, fortune, family, friends. He gave up the easy life so that we could get our country back. He traded everything he had for unjust persecution, for slander and scorn from the fake news, all for this country, for you and me. They couldn’t beat him politically, so they tried to bankrupt him. They failed at that, so they tried to impeach him. They failed at that, so they tried to put him in prison. They even tried to kill him. But as sure as the American flag still waves in our beautiful sky, Donald Trump still stands ready to fight, ready to win, and ready to make America great again. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the once and future president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Music (01:25:13):

And I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that right to me.

And I’d gladly stand up.

Next to you and defend her still today.

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota.

To the hills of Tennessee.

Across the plains of Texas.

From sea to shining sea.

From Detroit down to Houston.

And New York to L.A.

Well, there’s pride in every American heart.

And it’s time we stand and say.

That I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that right to me.

And I’d gladly stand up.

Next to you and defend her still today.

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God bless the USA!

And I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that right to me.

And I’d gladly stand up.

Next to you and defend her still today.

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God bless the USA!

Donald Trump (01:25:36):

Thank you.

Audience (01:25:36):


Donald Trump (01:27:25):

Thank you very much to the next vice president of the United States, J. D. Vance. He’s doing a great job. They go after J. D. You know why? He’s for the worker. He’s for people that get out and they want to work, work, work.

Audience (01:27:43):

[inaudible 01:27:43].

Donald Trump (01:27:44):

And frankly, they are people that have been taken advantage of, and he doesn’t like it. And he’s done great. He’s done great. He’s been everything we could have expected and much more. So J. D., thank you very much, I appreciate it.

And thank you to Atlanta. I’m thrilled to be back in the great state of Georgia, I love Georgia. With thousands of proud, hard-working American patriots. Crazy Kamala, ultra-left, you know that, she was here a week ago, lots of empty seats. But the crowd she got was because she had entertainers, and it all started to unfold when they started to leave about 10 minutes into the speech. It was very boring. I don’t need entertainers, I fill the stadium because I’m making America great again. That’s our entertainment. That’s our entertainment, making America great again.

And I have to tell you, we have thousands of people outside. And the state was terrific, and the fire marshal, I will say, could not have been better. Thank you to the fire marshal. But the school administration stopped us from getting another 500, 600, even 1,000 people in. Thousands of people were told no, and that was okay, but we could have fit another 600 people. So, I don’t know anything about this school. I don’t know anything about this school, but they could have allowed more people. You got people standing outside, just look at all the people outside. They could have come in. They could have come in. So, we’re not happy. Hello, out there. And then they actually pushed the people very far away from the building, where we have beautiful cameras set up for the overflow crowds. The administration of the school. So, I’m not sure if I’m going to be sending anybody to this school. I’m not happy about it. If they’re going to stand in the way of admitting people to our rally, just imagine what they’re going to do on election day. We’re not going to let that happen.

94 days from now, we’re going to win the great state of Georgia in an epic landslide, and we’re going to defeat crazy Kamala. Kamala. You know, there’s about 19 different ways of saying it. She only likes three. Biden never even came close. Hamala, he goes, Hamala. No, it’s Kamala. We’re going to evict this radical, incompetent administration from the White House. They’re destroying our country. We’re going to save our country. We’re going to save our country.

Yesterday, it was announced that unemployment is surging, with 350,000 Americans joining the unemployment rolls just last month. Tell you what, we could end up in a depression. We could end up in World War III and a depression, how about that? Could happen, too. Under Harris-Biden policies, we now have the highest unemployment rate in three years. Just came out yesterday, even I was surprised. Those numbers were terrible. If Harris wins this election, you will quickly have a Kamala economic crash. You’re going to have a crash. You could also have a crash like in 1929, more specifically, because that’s where we’re headed. When we win, you will rapidly see a brand new Trump economic boom. It’s going to be booming like it was four years ago.

With your vote, inflation will stop, the illegal aliens will be turned back. They’re not coming in, we got to stop them. Did you see what she’s now saying? “Oh, we have a very good border.” Oh, great. They had the worst border in the history of the world. It’s all misinformation, that’s all they’re good at. That and cheating on elections, they’re very good at that. The cartels will be crushed, crime will plummet, incomes will soar, the wars will end, and the American dream will come roaring back bigger, better, and stronger than ever before, right? Yes? Thank you.

But with four more years of Kamala the California socialist, you know she destroyed San Francisco? Then she destroyed the whole state. Look at what’s going on in California, with your family and our country, it’ll never recover. If you have any more time with these people… I’m worried about the next three months, if you think about it. These people are grossly incompetent. You’ll end up in World War III, I’ll tell you. And I hope I’m not right about that. Do you ever see the hats? “Trump is right about everything”. I don’t want

Donald Trump (01:33:00):

I’ll be right about that. Her policies of open borders and double-digit inflation, inflation like we’ve never seen before. It’s destroying middle-income families, working families, all families, will demolish your life savings. 40 or 50 million illegal aliens will invade our country during the next four years if they’re in. 40 or 50 million. Medicare and Social Security, she said she wants to put everybody on healthcare. That’s wonderful. It’s all wonderful. First of all, they shouldn’t be told to come here. Many of them were fine where they were, but no country can sustain this. Social security will buckle and collapse. The suburbs will be overrun with violent crime and savage foreign gangs. That’s what they’re doing. They’re sending all their gangs into the United States, right? Look, there’s Front Row Joes didn’t get into the front row. What happened to you? Oh, what happened? Thank you. We have Front row Joes, they’ve been to 229 rallies. And then look at these people. I call them the beautiful ladies. And you’re not allowed to say that anymore.

It’s the end of your political career. You say beautiful. You’re barely allowed to say ladies, right? Because that could also be destructive. But they’re beautiful, they’re ladies, and they’re great, and they’ve been to 216 rallies, from North Carolina. They look great. Happily married. I got to talk to their husbands. I don’t know. Way over 200 rallies and they’re incredible people. Thank you very much, by the way. Thank you. Appreciate it. Together we will stop Kamala Harris’s nation wrecking… I’ll tell you what, when you see what she’s done to our nation, she’s wrecking our nation. The radicalism will. Take back our country from the worst administration in American history. Biden was the worst president in the history of our country. She’s acknowledged to be the worst vice president in the history of our country. She doesn’t have a clue. If she doesn’t have a teleprompter, she can’t even speak. Did you see her the other night? They put a camera in her face, she can’t even talk. We just went through four years. Let’s not go through another four.

Can’t talk. No, it was terrible. By the way, I’d like to congratulate Vladimir Putin for having made yet another great deal. Did you see the deal we’ve made? Now look, we want to get people in. We got 59 hostages. I never paid anything. They released some of the greatest killers anywhere in the world, some of the most evil killers they got, and we got our people back. But boy, we make some horrible, horrible deals. And it’s nice to say we got them back. But does that set a bad precedent? Burt, right? Does that set a bad… Does that set a bad precedent, Burt? Harris has the most ultra-left-wing agenda of any presidential candidate ever in history. There’s never been anybody like this. She is considered more left-wing than crazy Bernie Sanders. Look at her. She’s worse than Bernie, and she happens to be really a low-IQ individual. She really does. She has a very low IQ.

We don’t need a low IQ. President Xi of China said, “Oh, good, we have another one, a low IQ individual.” They love dealing with low IQ. They love dealing with low IQ people, and they got them here. I’ll tell you, we got them all. She is terrible. She’s worse than… I think she’s worse than him. By the way, they really took it away from the guy, right? I don’t feel sorry for him because he’s a bad guy. He’s weaponized the whole thing, and nobody’s ever done that in this country. But he’s a bad guy. But people feel sorry for him. They did a coup. He just doesn’t know it. But actually he does know it. You know that. They said, “Joe, you got 14 million votes. It’s yours, but you’re going to give it up. You’re going to give it up right now, Joe, you’re giving it up right now. No, I’m not. I was elected democratically. I was elected. No, you’re giving it up, Joe. We’re either going to do it the nice way or the hard way, Joe. You’re getting the hell out.”

And it was the debate performance. So here’s what happened in the debate. We went there, it was the highest-rated debate ever and… Which was a great compliment. And as I left the debate stage, I took off because other people were entering the stage. You understand. I said, “I don’t want to confront other people.” So we had a great debate. But as I left, CNN, I won’t say who, but they said that was the single greatest debate performance I’ve ever seen. And this went on for two days. They were saying how great I was. On the third day, they didn’t mention that anymore, they said he was terrible. I liked it the first way better. I made him choke, don’t kid yourself. We made him choke. He was choking like a dog. He was choking. He was choking like a dog.

And that was the end of him. That was the end from that. Then they said, okay, this was a disaster. So then they started doing interviews with people that are 100% bought. The media, the fake news media, they had some people interviewing him like George Slopidopoulos. ABC. ABC is one of the worst, by the way. They’re all sort of bad when you get right down, but ABC is bad. And they’re asking them hardball questions like “Where did you stay last night? Did you think you did well in the debate, even though you could…” Did you ever see a guy in the debate? They give you two minutes to answer. And you want to use up, you got so much fertility in there, you want to use up every second, and then answer a question. “You have 92 seconds left.” And I kept saying, “I’ll take them.”

And he said, “Oh. You have 92 seconds left.” He goes, “Oh.” This is not what he wanted. He left a lot of time on the board, but I went right down to the last second. I didn’t want to go a little bit over because I know they’d cut me. They would have cut me. But they were very fair actually, CNN, shockingly, honestly, they were very fair. They want to do another one. We’re doing one with Fox, if she shows up. I don’t think she’s going to show up. She can’t talk. She can read a teleprompter. I’d give her about a six on a scale of 10, six. For talking I’d give her less than a one. We need people that can talk. Kamala pledged to give free taxpayer-funded healthcare to all illegal aliens. How do you like that idea? Which will destroy social security. She called for the abolition of ICE. Listen, ICE, I know some people here, two of them are really tough guys. They’re fighters. They’re vicious people. They’re good tough people. They don’t want to work for ICE.

ICE will go into a pack of MS-13 killers and thugs, and for about two minutes you just see fists flying back and forth back, and then they stand up and they win, and they grab them. They throw them in a paddy wagon. They get them the hell out of the country. And she’s calling them, she’s calling them the equivalent of KKK. Okay? And she loves deadly sanctuary cities. By the way, all of the things you’re hearing now, she’s now denying. But the one good thing about the internet, you press a button and you got it. Although they are trying to delete everything. They changed the picture of me from a couple of weeks ago, and they really radicalized it. They changed it. Using AI they changed it. They had all the people on the stage who were angry and they were smart and sharp and very brave, and they had them all big smiles on their face. “Can you believe that?”

They put the agents who, I have to tell you, say what you want, those people were brave. They were running to me, and the bullets were flying. The Secret Service, they were very brave. They were very brave, I can say. They were very brave. They were running at me, and they knew the bullets were going right over my head at that point. The first one was not a good situation. Not a good situation. That was really something incredible. That was from God. That was from God. Because the chances… Yeah, no, that was from God. For all of you non-believers, that one was for God, right? That was a close one. But I just want to say, though they were very brave, they pounced on me. They pounced on me. And I heard those things whizzing over me. They were whizzing. And I have to say that because they take, people take abuse. There were mistakes made. There were mistakes made. Pretty bad ones.

But the bravery of that moment was incredible. And also that the sniper, the Secret Service, who’s a phenomenal talented shooter, one bullet from hundreds of yards away, if he doesn’t hit his target and he hit his target, boom. But from hundreds… If he doesn’t hit the target, then you have Cory and a lot of other people that are dead. Cory was great. Two other great gentlemen warriors, great Trump people. We love them. We thought they were going to be gone too. The doctors were incredible. They did a great job, an unbelievable job. But if that sniper, and he had five seconds to think, he did not know about it beforehand, by the way. He had five seconds. He saw the flash and he knew what that was. And within five seconds, he got off a shot. One bullet, think of it, one bullet, and that was the end. Otherwise, you would’ve had many people dead who did a hell of a job. And that was from a very far distance. That was from basically about triple the distance. It was a much longer shot.

So we want to thank him, and we want to thank all of the people in Secret Service for their bravery because they were very brave. This was a bad thing. Very brave. But she refuses to even say the words illegal alien or radical Islamic terror. She says, “Nope.” And the main thing, think of this, she wants to let mass amnesty and citizenship, she wants all illegals to have mass amnesty. Everybody. Even criminals. Because many of them that are coming in are from prisons and jails and mental institutions, insane asylums. They hate when I use Dr. Hannibal Lecter as the… Late great Hannibal Lecter… Oh, they go, look at all the media back there. Look at all the fake news. That’s a lot of fake news. That’s a lot of fake news, Burt. But she doesn’t want to get involved. Look, here’s a story. When a politician says something young in life, that’s where they are. That’s what they believe in.

Defund the police, all the things that she said. That’s where she would go if she ever got the chance. She’s never going to get the chance. Our country will be destroyed. She’s worse than Biden. She’s worse than Bernie Sanders. She’s Bernie Sanders, but not as smart. That’s the way I view her. I said she’s a dumb version of Bernie Sanders and actually further left than him. She supports mandatory gun confiscation. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind that. Would anybody mind if they came into your house and took away your gun or your guns? Oh, I’m shocked. I’m shocked to hear that. She’s for taking away all of your guns. The problem is they won’t take them away from the bad guy. The bad guys are not giving up the guns. The good guys are going to, “Oh, well, yes ma’am. Here’s my gun. Thank you.” Now you’re totally defenseless in your house. No, you can’t do that.

She said that a 70 to 80% tax hike is “A bold idea that should be discussed.” Oh, that’s nice. She co-sponsored the $100 trillion green new scam. She wants to abolish all oil and coal and natural gas. “We want to work on wind. Wind. We want to have wind blowing.” She vowed to ban fracking. She wants the government to stop people from eating red meat. She wants to get rid of your cows. No more cows. No more cows. Oh, it’s serious. In Europe, you smile and you think about it, but in Europe, they’re sort of doing it. They don’t want any cattle. She wants to get rid of gas-powered cars and replace them with all electric. They don’t go far. They cost too much. They’re all made in China. Other than that, they’re fantastic. And I’m for electric cars. I have to be, because Elon endorsed me very strongly, Elon. So I have no choice. But he knows.

No, I am for them. I’m for them for a small slice is a slice. But you want to have gas-propelled cars. You want to have hybrids. You want to have every kind of a car imaginable. They want to go all electric, and there’s no way you can ever, there’s no way you can ever load them up. They call them loading them. You can’t load them. We’re going to have to spend $9 trillion in the middle West. You saw they were built chargers. Now a charger is a gas pump with electricity come through. Is that good? So it’s like a… For eight chargers they spent $9 billion. Is that a good deal? So at that rate, it would be $10 trillion to charge up the country. The whole thing is crazy, right? Mr. Preacher, she wants to get rid of two very special words to me. And I came up with this because I noticed when you went into stores, I used to go into stores. Now I wouldn’t want to go into stores because they have everything under lock and key.

You ever see they have bars up, they have glass up. I don’t know how you can do business like that. “I’d like to buy a toothpaste, please. Oh, wait till the clerk comes.” 25 minutes a clerk… They opened this heavy glass armor door. “Ah, here’s to…” How the hell do you make money doing that? It used to be that if somebody robbed your store, you would be very tough about it, right? Now, Kamala started this. Anything under a thousand dollars, you can do whatever you want. And these guys are sitting out there. You ever see them? They’ve got paper. “Okay, you go ahead. Oop, that’s over that. Drop that back. Put that…” There’s no crime if it’s less than a thousand dollars. She’s the one who started it. She’s a lunatic. She wants to get rid of these two very special words. You remember I used to bring it up all the time in 2016. By the way, we did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016, but these are minor details.

We did much better. They said, “What was the difference?” I said, “Well, we got millions of more votes.” You know that too. But we’re not going to let that happen again. Ready? The two words are Merry Christmas. She doesn’t want anybody saying Merry Christmas. Now she’s denying it. And then they found the tape last night. She’s such a liar. She denies all this stuff. She said, “I was not the border czar.” She was the… York Times, there’s a headline, Border Czar. She was the border czar. She was the worst border czar, she was the worst czar in history. Kamala’s radical ideas belong in a San Francisco commune filled with far-left freaks, but they do not belong in the White House. They do not belong in the United States of America. This November, Georgia is going to tell Kamala that we will not let her turn America into a communist country. Remember I used to say, “We will never be a socialist country.” Well, I was right. They skipped socialism, they’ve got… I was right. I was right. It will never be a socialist country.

I’d say that, State of the Union, I said, “We will not ever allow our country to be a socialist country.” I was right. It’s gone communist. It skipped socialism. It never stopped. The train never stopped at the socialism world. The world of socialism, not a good one, but the world of communism is many times worse. Now that they’ve swapped out Biden, is he going to the Democrat Convention? This is a big question. I’d like to go to watch Kamala get sworn in as they ripped it away from him. They took away his presidency. What do you think, Mr. Congressman? You had a very good speech. Didn’t he make a good speech? What do you think about ripping away… There’s socialism there… What do you think about ripping away the guy’s presidency? Right? That’s not democracy. Remember the words they used? They are a threat to democracy. They’ve been saying that about me for seven years. I think I got shot because of that. Okay? People said he’s a threat to democracy. No, I’m the one that is saving democracy. It’s true. They’re a threat.

Thank you. Wow. That’s nice. Thank you, Marjorie. No, we’re saving democracy. Wow. I’m going to use that more often. I’ve never used that before. I’m always hitting them, I should say, instead, I’m going to save democracy and get a nice ticket. It is true though. Certain phrases get amazing response, like “I will keep men out of women’s sports.” Now you find out I’m right. I used to use the barbells. Now all you have to do is look at the boxers. This young girl from Italy, a champion boxer. She got hit so hard, she didn’t know what the hell hit her. It’s a person that transitioned. He was a good male boxer. Yeah, he was a good male boxer. And she didn’t even go down. He hit her with two jabs and she said, “I’m out.” How crazy is it? The weight lifters are great though, because they put a quarter of an ounce here, a quarter of an ounce here, and she goes, by the way, first Lady of the United States hates when I do this. She says, “It’s so damn unpresidential.”

I said, “But the people like it.” Right, Marjorie? She doesn’t like it. She’s a very elegant woman. She doesn’t like it. Should I do it, Marjorie? So, no, no, our first lady, she said, “You know, your speech was great, but this weightlifting thing is so unelegant. And please don’t imitate him not being able to find stairs, because every time you do it, they say it was you that couldn’t find the stairs.” True. I’m very careful because the press is among the most dishonest human beings in history. They know. Bruce knows. The great Bruce Lavelle. Stand up, Bruce. He’s been with me from before I ran. He was with me in 2014 saying, “That guy in New York should run. He’ll be great president.” That was long before I even… I didn’t even know about it. I think you might have convinced me to run. I don’t know. Some of these people… Some people have been with me long before I ran. They would say, “Trump should run that.”

We had Romney, remember Romney, and they did Paul’s. Romney and Paul Ryan. What a combination that was. Whoops. There we go off Fox. Fox just went off. No, Paul Ryan’s on the board of Fox. What a mistake that was. But they had Romney and Paul Ryan, what a team that was. They got clobbered. They got clobbered. The choice of this election could not be more stark. On the one hand, you have a radical left freak. You have a candidate who is fake, fake, fake. On the other hand, you have a president who will fight, fight, fight for America. Fight, fight, fight. I will, I promise. I will. By the way, the fire marshal, I love him. Could the school people allow… There’s some seats right up there. They could let them come in. I don’t know what you’re doing. I don’t know what you’re doing. Let the people come in. They’re standing outside, thousands of them. Let them come in. It’s obviously, Marjorie, a very liberal school, I guess, right? Not happy with the school.

Let them come in. They’re standing. It’s 95 degrees out. Let them come in. There’s some seats. They got thousands of people, they won’t let them in. A Harris presidency, you know why? Because they don’t want to show that we’re successful, that’s all it is. They don’t want to show… She has to go get entertainers. They start leaving as soon as she opens her mouth. Well Hillary used to do that too. I remember she got Bruce Springsteen. I’m not a huge fan. I have a bad trait. I only like people that like me. Does that make sense? And these people like me, Burt, right? These people like me. No, no, Hillary used to do it all the time. She got the idea from Hillary. Hillary got Bruce Springsteen, I’ll never forget. And the place was pretty full, not full like our places are full, and I don’t have a guitar. I don’t have a guitar. I don’t have a guitar. But our places are bigger. We get more people than anybody.

I don’t care how many guitars they have. In New Jersey, we had 107,000 people come. Nobody has that. Nobody. In Alabama, we had 68,000 people. In South Carolina we had 82,000 people. That had closed up the whole state. We even did one in the South Bronx in New York. Rough place. But boy, it was love. 25,000 people. It was love. But I’ll never forget that, Hillary and she had Bruce… and they were all saying, “Oh, she drew 25,000 people,” or something. Then he finished with the concert. She starts speaking and everyone’s leaving. I said, “That’s not working out so good. That’s not working out.” But I don’t know. You have to be real. People show up, people show up. To do that, I don’t know. There’s something pretty phony about it. But she had somebody… Who did she have? Who was the entertainer that she had? Do you know? Yeah. Yeah. That’s what I think. By the way, the entertainer couldn’t fill the place either. Even with the help of the school, the school’s trying to get students, “Please go. This is embarrassing to us. Please go.”

No. Wasn’t Hillary a beauty when I campaigned against her. She said, “Look at him. Look at him. Just look at those words he uses. He will start wars.” No, no, I had no wars. I got rid of ISIS, a hundred percent of ISIS, but that was already [inaudible 01:59:02] I was the one that had no wars. First time in 80 years. In California, Harris was the original Marxist prosecutor. She was in the role of Fannie Willis. Has anybody ever heard of Fannie Willis? You know Fannie Willis is a good friend of your governor. You know that? Your governor. I’m not a fan of your governor. But she was in the role of Fannie Willis or Larry Krasner, George [inaudible 01:59:33] Alvin Bragg of New York. He goes after me. He goes after me because of the Justice Department. Never happened before. The DA of San Francisco. Harris shielded, illegal alien, crack dealers from deportation.

She wouldn’t let them be deported. She fought like hell. She wouldn’t arrest criminals of the worst kind. She wouldn’t arrest murderers. She wouldn’t arrest anybody. The state has gone to hell. Gavin Newscum is the worst, one of the worst guys. Gavin Newscum. But she was the one that started it. She ruined San Francisco, ruined California. As California attorney general she defined and redefined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon and rape of a unconscious person, an unconscious person raped, as nonviolent. These were nonviolent crimes. We shouldn’t even prosecute these people. To help spring child predators and dangerous criminals out of prison all over the state. And during the left-wing riots of 2020, you saw that, she urged for followers to donate to bail rapists and murderers out of jail while saying that the violent mobs should not stop. They should not stop. She said… She was endorsing defund the police. And she said, “Violent mobs, let the violent mobs keep going.

Let them keep going. We love what they’re doing. We love what they represent.” This is the lunatic that the fake news is trying to build up to be the next Margaret Thatcher. Four months ago, she was considered grossly incompetent by the fake news. Now they’re saying, “Oh, isn’t she wonderful? Isn’t she wonderful?” No, she’s not wonderful. So we have to work hard to define her. I don’t want to even define her. I just want to say who she is. She’s a horror show. She’ll destroy our country. For years she is pushed legislation to strip police officers of any protection. They have no protection. Anything they do, they get sued, they go bankrupt, they lose their house, they lose their family, they lose their pension, they ruin their lives. They want to ruin their lives. She was the worst at ruining police officers. And by the way, I have the endorsement of virtually every police organization in the United States, almost everywhere. And when I’m President of the United States, again, we will never defund the police. We will only over fund. We’re going to over fund the police if we have to. I will always give our law enforcement heroes the protection, resources, and respect that they so dearly deserve. And like other Marxist DAs… And she was the first of them. She was horrible. She was horrible. She had a very good friend named Willie Brown. I liked Willie Brown. He knows more about her than anybody’s ever known. He could tell you every single thing about her, could tell you stories that you’re not going to want to hear. Like other Marxist DAs, Kamala supports abolishing cash bail, which means bloodthirsty criminals that just killed somebody can immediately leave custody, go out and kill somebody else, which, by the way, they often do.

Under these kinds of woke radical left policies, Atlanta is like a killing field. And your governor ought to get off his ass and do something about it. Just a few weeks ago, two 13-year-old boys were murdered. And an 11-year-old was shot while sitting outside their house in Southwest Atlanta. In June, a 47-year-old man, a 69-year-old woman, and a 70-old woman were shot in the middle of the day, shot right through the head, in the food court of Peach Tree Center, what a nice name, in downtown Atlanta, where you can’t even walk anymore. The shooter had been previously arrested 11 times, but they think it was 24 times.

Donald Trump (02:04:00):

He’d gone to prison for assault and armed robbery many times. Since I was president, aggravated assaults in Atlanta are up 17%, and there’s a 20% increase in shoplifting and a 90% increase in overall crime. Murders are up massively, murders. You go to the store, “I want to buy a loaf of bread, darling.” You come back, “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but your husband’s been killed. He went for bread across the street. He’s been shot to death, ma’am.”

Nationwide, there’s been a 43% increase in violent crimes since I left office, including a 58% increase in rape, 89% increase in aggravated assault, and a 56% increase in stone-cold robbery. July 4th weekend in Chicago, 117 people were shot. I’m not talking about… I’m talking about shot. Not aimed at and missed, but I can guarantee you that number was big. But 117 people were shot. Of the 117, 17 died. Many are going to be incapacitated. They’re going to be working for the rest of their lives just to move. Many are paralyzed. Many of those people are paralyzed right now. Nobody ever talks about that. 117 people shot, 17 died; many very seriously hurt for the rest of their lives.

If Kamala wins, it will be crime, chaos, and death all across our country. We’re going to have just the opposite. It’s up to the governors and the mayors to run things, but with Minnesota, which was a disaster, Minneapolis state crimes. You remember the CNN reporter? “This is a friendly riot. Oh, please, I had rather not use the word riot. This is a friendly get-together.” And behind him, the whole city is burning down. Remember that? Remember, it was like the flames were going for miles. And then he got hit on the knee with something. I think it was a hand grenade that didn’t go off. Remember him with the shaved head? Ding, ding, ding. Shaved his head. “How do I look?” “Great.” Then he goes down, a hand grenade hits him. “How do I look, darling?” “Oh, you look great.” They call it the summer of love, remember?

Speaker 4 (02:06:23):


Donald Trump (02:06:24):

They took over Seattle 20%. If I didn’t have the soldiers ready to go that morning, that Seattle would still be occupied. They actually took over a large percentage of Seattle. Portland, What they did with Portland. I was in the real estate business. I love storefronts beautiful bronze, I love bronze and everything. Storefronts so beautiful. In Portland, you know what they have a storefront? Their storefronts have been so decimated they use old two-by-fours with a wooden door; no glass, no windows. It’s the worst looking avenue I’ve ever seen because… And I spoke to people that have shops there, but they don’t have them anymore; they’ve all fled. But the few people that remain, they have wooden storefronts made out of old lumber. And they said, “No, anything we put up, including this will be knocked down the next time.” And it happens on a weekly basis and nobody does anything about it.

They knew the military was coming in the next day in Seattle. If they didn’t know that and they fled, they all said, “Oh, it’s about time to get it.” When they were doing monuments in Washington, Marjorie knows this, I got an old bill because I doubt we could ever get Congress to pass one like this, and they were trying to rip down monuments. And then it was Abraham Lincoln. They were going to rip down the monument to Abraham Lincoln. They were ripping down other monuments. They didn’t care who it was, they just wanted to destroy our country. And I took this old bill from 1889. Today you wouldn’t have the guts to sign a thing like that, although they should. They should make it even tougher. And it said, “If you desecrate or even touch a monument in any way, shape, or form, you go to jail for 10 years.” And there’s no shortened sentence. There’s no shortened sentence. There’s no like you get nine years off for good behavior. No, it’s 10 years and you’re not allowed to even do that. No judge is allowed to do it. In fact, it was so old when I had… I’m saying, “This is an old sucker.” This thing is old, but I reinstituted it. It was so severe, frankly, that they didn’t use it.

And then I had a press conference, you remember, and I announced anybody… And people were doing lassoes of those gorgeous horses and all the things up there, and yet you saw it the other day; they were doing it again in Washington, DC with spray paint into limestone and granite. The limestone, it’s a very porous stone. And I was very good at this. I was a builder, as you may have heard. And the limestone, that paint goes in there, sucks. In 100 years, you’ll see that. There’s nothing you can do. It just goes right in. It’s very, very porous. It’s sand, basically, beautiful sand. Beautiful lions, beautiful monuments, the bells and everything desecrated. And I wonder what happened to those people. Probably nothing. Probably nothing. What they did, they did tremendous damage. They did tremendous damage.

But so I announced this bill, and the bill… I had a press conference to announce it, and I said, “10 years for anybody even touching any of our beautiful monuments.” You know what happened? It was a beautiful site. I saw thousands of asses, only the back walking out of town; some were running. They didn’t want to do anything, they just wanted to get the hell out of town. And that was the end of the problem. We didn’t have any more problem. We had no more problem after that. There was no problem. And that was the end.

You didn’t about it after that, Mr. Congressman, did we? Collins. Good speaker, he is. He’s got a future. Does he have a future, Marjorie? I don’t know. Got the look. He’s got the hair. Good job. I watched. Good job.

We will restore law and order to America. We will bring back public safety to the great state of Georgia, which is doing very badly in that way. And on day one, we will seal the border, stop the invasion, and send the illegal aliens back home. And we’ll do it very quickly, very quickly. For three and a half years, borders are Harris. And again, she refuses to acknowledge that she was the borders there. She was the worst, worst manager we’ve ever had ever.

And by the way, all of the people in charge of the border, they’ve all endorsed me. They said, “He was the greatest president we’ve ever had.” Tom Homan, Brandon Judd, all of those guys, they’ve all endorsed me, and they said, “She’s the worst.” It’s hard for them to say that, but they said, “There’s never been anybody so incompetent.” For three and a half years, borders are Harris; has allowed terrorists and criminals to pour across our wide, open border. And now she’s denying it. You can’t fall for it. Disinformation, deny, deny, deny, deny for a year. “Were never there. Nothing happened. We were great. We were great. We were so tough.” And some people will start to believe it. They used the word brainwashed. Did you ever hear the word brainwashed?

Speaker 4 (02:11:36):


Donald Trump (02:11:36):

Mitt Romney’s father used that word. It wasn’t good when he used that word. It destroyed his career. But they were brainwashed. Some people get. They hear it over and over again how bad they were and they say how great a job they did. “They did great. They did great.” They say it again and again, and all of a sudden people… And don’t forget, it’s not their main thing. They’re accountants, they’re lawyers, they’re taxi drivers, they’re carpenters, they’re electricians, they hear it over and over again. All of a sudden, they say, “She was really great on the border, wasn’t she?” No, she was a disaster. She has destroyed our country. We’re going to bring it back, but she has destroyed our country. She’s incompetent.

They’re coming from South America, they’re coming from Asia, they’re coming from Africa and the Middle East, from prisons and jails. They’re coming from all over the world. They’re not just coming from South America. Everyone thinks, oh, South America. They want to vote in Spanish and they’re going to… By the way, we are doing better with the Hispanic population, I think, now than they are, so that’s not working out too well. But they’re coming from all over the world, not just South America. They’re coming from the Congo in Africa. A lot are coming from the Congo, from prisons. “Where do you come from?” “The Congo.” “Oh. What’s your address?” “We live in prison.” “What did you do?” ” Murder.” “Oh. Welcome to the United States of America.”

The only good thing is, I say this all the time, these people are so violent and vicious that are being brought into our country, they’re so violent, so vicious that they make our gang members and bad people and criminals look like the nicest people on earth. When we see an MS-13-some person now, we say, “Well, they’re not that bad.” These are the worst people anywhere in the world coming into our country. They’re coming in at levels that nobody’s ever seen before. There’s nothing good about it. Nothing can be made of it.

And they’re actually trying to get them to sign up and vote. They don’t even speak the language. They don’t even know where the hell they are. They want them to sign up and vote. And we have the head of our great Republican Party here, and he is not letting it happen, wherever you may be, wherever you may be. You’re doing a great job. You know that, right? They’re coming in and they’re trying to sign them up.

Because I used to say only two reasons this could be happening. They hate our country or they’re stupid. Well, they’re not stupid because anybody that can cheat on elections that good is not stupid. And they do, I really believe they do to a certain extent hate our country because why? But I never really talked about the third reason because it’s so sinister, but they want to sign these people up to vote, and if they do that, this country is destroyed. We’ve become a dumping ground for the entire world, and we’re not going to take it anymore.

Just a few months ago, right here in your state, I met with the devastated family, what a beautiful family of Laken Riley, the brilliant 22-year-old nursing student, top of her class who was out for a jog on the campus of the University of Georgia when she was assaulted, beaten, and horrifically killed. Her family, look, they’ll never be the same. Incredible family.

Kamala Harris let in the savage monster who murdered Laken. He was an illegal alien who was in border patrol custody, but under Harris’s policies, instead of being deported immediately and fast, he was set free into America. ” Please enjoy your stay.” Laken’s blood is on Kamala Harris’ hands. And she was in charge of the border. But there are many, many people like that. Laken is not the only one. Kamala is responsible for the death as though she was standing there watching it herself. She was responsible, and for so many more.

Three days after releasing Laken’s killer into the United States, Harris went on television and lied to the American people saying, “The border is secure.” Quote, “The border is secure.” What kind of a politician lies to Americans about keeping the border open while precious young girls are being assaulted and killed?

And Laken is one where the press was very strong on it, but there are thousands of people that are being killed and being criminalized and victimized by these people that are pouring into our country. I call it migrant crime. We now have migrant crime in our country. It’s a new form of crime. It’s called migrant crime, and it’s vicious and it’s really bad. Kamala Harris should not be asking for your vote, she should be begging Laken Riley’s family for forgiveness.

And Joe Biden never would mention her name. Do you remember when Biden wouldn’t mention her name? Because Laken was really… That was a big deal. That was a very horrible… Just horrific. And he wouldn’t mention her name, and then he finally did it, and then he called her the wrong name, “Lincoln.” Called her Lincoln. Good coach, Lincoln Riley. Good coach. Maybe that’s where it came from, but called her Lincoln. And he was so bad. He’s such a bad president, such a bad president. And precedent was set by having him as a president. He was a disaster for this country. You get angry talking about it because it’s almost impossible to believe you can be that bad.

People like certain people. And I understand it; they could have different beliefs, different policies. Like Ronald Reagan, he had something special about him. There was an aura. I didn’t agree. I didn’t agree with him on trade. I didn’t think he was as good on trade as he could have been. Could have tougher on trade. But he had something special. But this last group, there’s nothing they have. They have nothing. I call him Crooked Joe for a reason. He’s crooked. I also call him Sleepy Joe. He’s sleepy. He’s sleepy, he’s crooked, he’s incompetent, he’s dumb, and she’s worse, she’s worse. If Harris wins, a never ending stream of illegal alien rapists, MS-13 animals, and child predators will flood into your communities.

If I win, on day one, we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history. Have no choice. We have no choice. No country can sustain this. We have no choice. And we will immediately expel every single criminal that border Czar Harris has allowed into our country. No country can sustain it. In a recent CBS poll, 62% of American support large-scale deportation, and others are saying it’s 83%, 85%, including 53% of Hispanic voters because they see what’s happening.

By the way, the Hispanic voter and me have this special relationship. I understand them. They’re very entrepreneurial, very smart, but they also understand security better than anybody. And they don’t want to have murderers released into our country. They don’t want. It’s very interesting. And I built massive amounts of the wall. The wall was incredible. We built it, and hundreds of miles of wall, and they wanted it more than anybody because it worked. Remember I used to say two things work. Everything else is obsolete after two. You do a new computer, in about three weeks is totally obsolete. Nobody wants it. Two things have never been obsolete: wheels and walls. Wheels work and walls work. And you have a lot of different things becoming obsolete, but the wheel in the wall, the walls work. Harris wants to be the president for criminals and illegal aliens. I will be the president for law-abiding Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed.

And it’s no wonder the Democrat Party and their thugs are so desperate to stop us. They know that we are the only ones who can stop them. We’re the only ones that are going to be able to stop. Nobody else is going to be able to stop these lunatics. All of their persecution of me is only happening because I am running for president and leading very big in all of the polls. If I wasn’t running for president, I could be vacationing next to one of the many beautiful oceans of the world as the waves come in. Beautiful, but it’s boring. I’d rather be with you figuring out this mess, figuring out this mess that we’ve gotten ourselves into. We’re going to figure it out. We’ve got it figured out.

Speaker 4 (02:21:09):

We love Trump, we love Trump.

Donald Trump (02:21:12):

Thank you.

Speaker 4 (02:21:13):

We love Trump, we love Trump, we love Trump, we love Trump, we love Trump.

Donald Trump (02:21:25):

Thank you very much.

Speaker 4 (02:21:25):

We love Trump, we love Trump.

Donald Trump (02:21:30):

Now we have two things we have to do. We have to vote and we have to make sure that we stop them from cheating, because they cheat like dogs. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Georgia State Election Board is in a very positive way. This is a very positive thing, Marjorie. They’re on fire. They’re doing a great job. Three members, Janice Johnson, Rick Jeffries, and Janelle King. Three people are all pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory. They’re fighting. Are they here? Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? Thank you. What a job. Thank you. Thank you. Wow.But we have a couple of other members that aren’t so good. We have some that aren’t so good, but these three are really doing the job because they don’t want to see this… That will destroy our country.

They just passed a rule for Georgia elections requiring that three people at each precinct independently count the total number of ballots before certification. Who could be against that? Who could be against it? Thank you, Janice, very much. That’s really amazing. Thank you all, thank you all. Those are great people. I’d say brave, but I mean to you it’s like that you got to do what you have to do. It’s not like a question of brave. They said I was brave two weeks ago. I had to do what I had to do. It’s not like brave, it’s just we do the right thing. Go.

Speaker 4 (02:23:14):

[inaudible 02:23:18].

Donald Trump (02:23:17):

All right, thank you.

Speaker 4 (02:23:18):

Your courage is contagious.

Donald Trump (02:23:19):

My courage was contagious. Well, your courage is contagious too. Thank you. Thank you. Nice. It’s amazing. People want it. That’s what they want. Thank you, Janice. That’s great. And those three people are incredible.

Let me give you the bad news. It’s that for whatever reason, Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp, your governor… Who I got elected, by the way. Who wasn’t for me, he would not be your governor. I think everybody knows that. He’s a very disloyal person, is indeed very disloyal. But these two are doing everything possible. Plus your attorney general would like to see him show up and do something.

Look at the love and adulation and applause, because this is like a poll, this is like a poll. We have thousands of people. That’s better than going out and paying a half a million dollars to have some pollster go out and poll 212 people. Look at this. Look at the love they have for Janice. That’s what people want. They want to have honest elections, and they want to have strong borders. Very simple.

But your governor, Kemp and Raffensperger are doing everything possible to make 2024 difficult for Republicans to win. What are they doing? I don’t know. They got something in mind. They got a little something in mind. Kemp is very bad for the Republican Party. He wouldn’t do anything.

We have Bert Jones over here. We have Bert Jones. All he wanted in the Senate was to have a special resolution passed, and it was all done. Every senator wanted it, every Republican wanted it. And we have Senator Beech here someplace too. Where is Senator Beech? Oh, I can’t forget him. We can’t forget him. A warrior, a warrior, you know that, and many others in this group.

But all they wanted was to have just a special… We want to go over the election. We want to look because there’s too many things. And the governor wouldn’t sign it. And I knew he would because I got him elected. I sent a young guy over to his office, “Would you please have him sign this?” And the kid came back. He said, “Sir, he won’t sign.” “Of course he will. I got him elected. Give me a break. Of course he will.” “No, he wouldn’t.” And then I said, “Well, go back over. Tell them it’s for me. It’s a good thing, not a bad thing. They want to look into possible election fraud.” Wouldn’t you say, senator, that’s a good thing, right? They want to look into election fraud.

It comes back, “Sir, I said it was for you.” This was a few years later after I won him the election. Don’t forget, I endorsed him. And you had a very good man, Casey Cagle, your lieutenant governor. He was going to win easily. And David Perdue. Where’s David? I love David. But that was his only mistake. He said, “Sir, would you endorse a friend of mine, Brian Kemp?” I said, “Who’s Brian Kemp?” He said, “He’s a friend of mine,” sir. And Sonny came too. This was probably the only mistake of David’s life. That was a beauty, David. Thanks, David, I appreciate it.

And I endorsed this guy. He was way down on the list. He was doing terribly. My endorsement means a lot, and I’m very careful with it. And I endorsed him, and he won in a landslide. And then he said, “I can’t beat Stacey Abrams. I can’t beat her. She’s going to be too tough.” And she felt that too, by the way. She still feels it. She’s constantly saying she won the election. She can say it, but I’m not allowed to say it, I’m not allowed to say it. And Michaela, I love you, Michaela. I’m in love with Michaela. Please explain that to Melania. Please explain that to our first lady. You are fantastic. No, you are a special person.

But I endorsed him. And then she said, “I can’t beat Stacey Abrams.” He said that. And his wife said it too. I said, “Well, you won the nomination, so let’s do some big rallies.” And I did them out at an airport. Massive rallies; 55,000 and 52,000. There may have even been a third. I don’t know. I remember two monster rallies. And I said, “You’re going to win.” He said, “I don’t think so, sir.” I said, “No, you’re going to win. I’m telling you. I can tell the vibe of the people.” I’m like, I think, David, 287 and 0 in the last 12 months with endorsements. People respect my endorsement and I respect them. And I love them, I love them.

I did these two big rallies, and he won. He did win. He won by 2%. And his wife looked at me and said, “Thank you, sir. We’ll never ever be able to repay you for what you did. You got my husband the nomination, and then we beat somebody who was unbeatable.” She was, in theory, unbeatable. She was the hottest politician in the country at the time, Democrat politician. I would say I was hotter because I was president, so I was hotter. No, I’m not. I’m only kidding, Marjorie. I’m only kidding. Although maybe I’m not kidding, actually. No, she was certainly the hottest Democrat politician in the country. And she was going wild for years. She’s still going. She can’t even believe.

But I got him by doing massive rallies. I really worked hard. He’s the most disloyal guy I think I’ve ever seen. But think of the wife. “We can never repay you for what you’ve done, sir. We could have never won.” And now she said two weeks ago that, “I will not endorse him because he hasn’t earned my…” I haven’t earned her endorsement. I have nothing to do with her. Somewhere he went bad. And you know what? Your numbers in Georgia are very average. Your crime numbers, your economic numbers, all of your numbers, you’re a very average. You can do a lot better. And you’ll do a lot better with a better governor. You can do a lot better, just so you understand. But I don’t want her endorsement, I don’t want his endorsement, I just want them to do their job for Georgia. And you know what? He’s the governor. He ought to support his Republican Party because if he doesn’t have his Republican Party, I could tell you where he came from, and it wasn’t good.

And you have a great leader of the Republican Party right here. Stand up, please. He has done an unbelievable job. And he has to work like hell with a governor that doesn’t help him. And Raffensperger ought to make sure that the vote is honest. And they don’t want the vote to be honest. In my opinion, they want us to lose. That’s actually my opinion. And we can’t let that happen because if we lose Georgia, we lose the whole thing and our country goes to hell. Because we can’t have her be president of the United States. She’s grossly incompetent. We can’t let that happen. They’re the ones.

Don’t forget who got Fani Willis and her loverboy boyfriend all jazzed up. This guy, the governor, the governor. You know what? She’s an embarrassment to the state of Georgia. He’s the governor of Georgia. He ought to do something. Many, many people, their lives have been… Forget about me. I’m used to it. It’s true. I am used to fake crap that goes on with these politicians. But many, many people, their lives have been destroyed because of Fani, F-A-N-I, Fani. You have to pronounce it Fani. It’s called Fani. You have to pronounce Fani. She should add a little U in there someplace if she wants be able to call her… No, her and her lover, loverboy Wade, she hired him because of experience. Paid him almost $1 million a year for experience. He’s got great experience. He never did a thing like this in his life. He knew nothing about it. The only thing he knew about was something else. He knew about that. That’s all he knew about. He didn’t know a damn thing. Do you know him? Have you ever met him? A couple of times. You ever see the phone records, phone calls being made at 3:00 in the morning. Every single night, phone call, phone call from her house. And he said, “No, not well. I don’t know her well.” No.

And this governor, I assume, I don’t know, he could straighten it out because his state has become a laughingstock over it. And you know what? I love this state. I won this state twice, in my opinion. Once I won. And I did much better the second time. And Burt knows it and Beech knows it, and everybody else knows it. He could have ended the travesty with a phone call because I did nothing wrong and neither did all of those good people that are being persecuted. People in their 80s, they signed something because they see what’s going on. I guarantee if I took a vote of this audience, if I said, “What do you think?” I won’t do that. They’ll come and indict you if you say that. Now, they can say it. Stacey Abrams can say that she won; the election is fine. But if we say we won the election, and we did, that’s not fine. We can’t do it.

Hillary Clinton is still complaining about the election, even though she called me up that night and conceded. But Hillary Clinton is constantly complaining about it. Nothing happens to her. We have two sides of justice, and we can’t do it anymore. We have to get back to making America great again. We don’t have time for this nonsense.

Fani wanted to indict a certain US senator who had nothing at all… He say, “Why are they calling me?” I won’t use his name because I don’t want to hurt him. But she wanted to indict, and somebody along the way stopped her from doing it. She had many, many more people. She was going to indict almost everybody that came into the state for a visit.

But Kemp doesn’t want to end it because he’s a bad guy, he’s a disloyal guy, and he’s a very average governor. Little Brian, little Brian Kemp, bad guy. But think of it. Just think, and then that’s it. I got this guy nominated. I then got him elected. Without me, he doesn’t get nominated and he doesn’t get elected. He had no chance of winning either one, and all he had to do is sign something where the Senate would like to look at election integrity. This is an honest man, that’s an honest man. They were all honest. They were looking at something very legitimate. And this bad guy said, “I’m sorry, sir, I can’t do it.” I called him, and

Donald Trump (02:35:00):

I said, “Brian, they’re looking at election integrity. Is there anything you can do?” “I’m sorry sir, I can’t get involved in that.” I said, “But Brian, you don’t understand. This is a good thing, not a bad thing.” “I’m sorry sir. I can’t get involved.” “I’ve had you up to here, Brian, I’ve had you up to here.” He’s a bad guy and he’s not doing this country a good service. People are looking at Georgia with Fani and her lover and all of the other things saying, “What the hell is going on in Georgia? What the hell is going on?” The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we’re not going to let them rig the presidential election in 2024.

Every time the radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists, fascists indict me. I consider it a great badge of honor, I do. Because I’m being indicted for you. My father and mother are looking down. They were great people. They’re saying, “My son got indicted like four times. Al Capone didn’t get indicted four times. He would kill you if he didn’t like your look. If you looked at him in the slightly… That’s a nice shirt.” Scarface, Al Capone the most evil man. He didn’t get indicted like Trump. I get indicted for what? I’m protesting an election that was rigged. This guy didn’t get indicted, my father would say, “But Alphonse Capone didn’t get indicted. He killed hundreds of people,” if he took you out for dinner even you see you two guys, would you stand up with a MAGA black please? Stand up please. Look at these two guys. Who the hell is going to mess? Who’s going to mess with that? MAGA black. I love them. I like them better than you, Bruce. Now, those are two tough cookies, but if Alphonse Capone didn’t like you because you insulted him slightly at dinner, that was the end of you, fellas, I have to tell you. And he didn’t get like me. Think of it. How crazy is the world? And thank you for being here. You’re good-looking guys. Better looking than Bruce, I’ll tell you right now, much. Stand up, Bruce. Never forget. Thank you. But never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I just happen to be standing in their way. So I want to introduce a few warriors if I could please, and they’re incredible people. They really are.

And every night I do this where I get in trouble because I’m always leaving somebody out. I’m leaving a congressman out. I’m leaving a guy, it’s brutal. So I end up going on the internet and thanking him and I love him and all the stuff or her, but it’s always tricky. But I know these are people that are here and I want to just thank him for joining us. You’re a great Lieutenant Governor who’s really great, Burt Jones. And his father is here. His father’s a legend in… He is a legend, literally in Georgia as an incredible politician and then he left. He didn’t lose. He left and he went into business and he’s been tremendously successful. He really is a legend. His name is Bill Jones. Does anybody know Bill Jones? Bill, where is Bill?

Good. I saw him backstage. He’s fantastic. Representative Mike Collins. Thank you, Mike. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mike. Thank you. Where is the preacher that was back there talking to me? Where is he? Huh? Oh, he went with your father. Oh, your father. Smart. I always said that, stays with those preachers. Rick Allen and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Thank you, Rick. Thanks Rick. Great job, Rick. Thank you, Marjorie. I’ve known Marjorie from the beginning and she’s an amazing political person. I don’t like to say politician. She’s beyond that. She’s really loved and respected by so many people. And in Washington, when she calls, they get very nervous. Oh please, she’s fantastic. So I thank you both for being here. Appreciate it. And a future congressman, he’ll be one of your best. He’s been with me for eight years and he always wanted to be a congressman.

Then his district opened up and he said, do you think I could do it? I said, you have my complete and total endorsement. Brian Jack, Brian Jack, great guy. He’s going to be a great congressman. It’s what he wanted to be and he’s fantastic. You guys are going to love Brian, right? Marjorie. Also, we alluded to him and talked about him, but I am going to talk about him very positively. He was really a great senator. He was a great man in so many different ways. He was respected more than anybody. I mean, everybody respected him in Washington. Very successful businessman that he ran for office, a little bit like the Trump schedule of events, but he was really a fantastic person in Washington, somebody that I was very close to, David Perdue. David, thank you.

Doug Collins, will you stand up? Come on. How good was this guy? That’s fantastic. See, I’m glad I spotted him. I would’ve been in big trouble if I didn’t mention him. I’m glad. You know they give me a few names. Who the hell writes these lists out? These people, somebody is getting me in big trouble. It wasn’t that way when I had Brian Jack doing this. I’ll tell you, I got lucky and I see somebody that I know very well. One of the truly great members of the king, of the Martin Luther King family, one of the greats. Will you please stand up? I didn’t see you, my friend from the beginning. I would’ve been in such trouble. If I didn’t mention you, I would’ve been in big trouble.

Thank you, darling. One of the truly great people and been with us from the very beginning, I would say, right? Very beginning. Thank you darling. Boy, am I glad I’m looking over this audience. I don’t like this. I’m telling you, this would not have happened if Brian Jack we’re doing it, which he did for many of you. Agriculture Commissioner has done a fantastic job, Tyler Harper. Tyler, thank you very much. Fantastic, thank you.

And John King, Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John. Thank you. Great job, John. Labor commissioner, Bruce Thompson. Bruce, thank you, Bruce. Public Service Commissioners Bubba. I love Bubba McDonnell. I love that name. I want to change my name and Fitz Johnson. Thank you both. Thank you both. And Elvita, good. They did have your name down earlier. I would’ve been in trouble if I didn’t pick… But I picked it even with and Richard Wood, superintendent of schools, who I hear does a great job. Richard, thank you. Thank you Richard. Pastor Benny Tate of the Rock Springs Church. Benny, thank you. Bernie Carrick. Does anybody know Bernie Carrick? Where’s Bernie? Stand up Bernie. He’s the cleanest man in this room. You know that. Bernie’s a great guy. He was a great commissioner in New York. He’s a fantastic man. A well-known local artist with a beautiful painting. Art Lanta. Where is Art Lanta? Oh, wow.

That is beautiful. Wow. That is beautiful. I wasn’t going to bring him up. Then I saw the painting. I said, come on up. He goes, maybe he’ll give it to me. Wow, come on up. That’s okay. Is that good? Thank you very much. Wow, that’s fantastic. Wow. Good. That’s a real artist. I brought him up because I thought he was going to give it to him. He didn’t give it to me. He just got me to sign it. I got nothing out of that. Hey Michaela, I know you spoke. Just come up for a second. Come here. This young woman, I walked into… I don’t know what the hell restaurant it was, but I walked into this restaurant and we do it very quietly. We don’t announce, and that’s for security person reasons, everything. I walked in, she’s behind the counter and she didn’t know I was coming. And she goes, “It’s President Trump.” She looks at me, “It’s President Trump. You saved my college.” And I said, “How the hell do you know that?” She said… This one is so smart, so sharp. She grabbed me, she gave me a kiss. I said, I think I’m never going back home to the first lady.

Music (02:46:03):

You were supposed to keep that quiet.

Donald Trump (02:46:05):

See, now the average politician, that’s dead. For me, I don’t care. I just want to tell you, you are an unbelievable person with a great personality. You lit up the whole room. You lit up the whole room. I said weeks later I’d go, who is that person that was so incredible? She knew everything about me. She had no idea I was coming. She knew everything about me and the historically black colleges and universities, I gave millions and millions, billions of dollars to. They kept coming back and I said, why are you doing this? We gave them long-term funding and she knew that because she said her college, which was she loved her college. She said it was so great, right? You loved it.

Music (02:46:50):

The illustrious CAU.

Donald Trump (02:46:52):

Yeah, that’s right. She loved her college and she said, you saved my college. What was your college, tell them?

Music (02:46:57):

The illustrious Clark Atlanta University.

Donald Trump (02:47:05):

And it was so impressive and I felt so good because she really did. She really said… I said, “Did you like the college?” She said, “No, I loved that school. I love that college.” And that’s what it’s all about. But you are an incredible person. I think you have a tremendous future. I really do. And I’ll do whatever I can to help you. Okay, thank you. Thank you much.

You want to say something else?

Music (02:47:31):

I thought I was done, but I do want to add on to some of the remarks that were made by others. And we do need to do our best to get the message out there. The fight is nothing if all we do is talk about it amongst ourselves. So with that being said, since you said you’d help me, shameless plug, if y’all need anybody to knock doors, make phone calls, wave signs, get people out to the polls, call me at Conserve the Culture because not only do I mobilize the HBCU students so that they may get this message, but I’m the best person when it comes to black engagement in the black community and nobody needs this message more than my folks. So do y’all care for real? Are y’all with us for real? for any and all inquiries. Y’all can follow me at Ms. Kayla Baby. I’m going to give it back to Big T. And last thing, make sure you guys tune in to my podcast dropping soon on the Patriots Prayer Network. Thank you all.

Donald Trump (02:48:48):

She’s great. Thank you. That’s a great person, great woman. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. From the moment we take back the White House from Kamala and Crooked Joe and he is crooked as a $4 bill. I believe we’re going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country. Starting on day one, we will end inflation and make America affordable again.

We’re going to make it affordable again. Thanks to Kamala Harris’s tie breaking vote here in Atlanta, you suffered the highest inflation of any city in the country last year. Good job governor. Great job governor. Under Kamala, the typical Georgia family has lost $28,000 in inflation and to inflation hikes. To bring down the prices of all goods, we will stop the Biden Harris War on American energy. American energy is such a big deal. We will drill, baby drill. We’ll get that number down. We’ll bring energy prices down. Everything else will float with it. We will terminate the green new scam and I will end the Biden-Harris electric vehicle mandate right on day one. It will be ended. We will pass massive tax cuts for workers and that includes no tax on tips, Michaela.

To further protect Georgia workers, I will revoke China’s most favored nation’s trade status. I will pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. If China or any other country makes us pay a 100 or 200% tariff, we will make them pay a reciprocal tariff of 100 or 200% right back. You heard us, we heard you. It’s an eye for an eye. We’ll take in a fortune and they’ll stop doing it before I even arrive at the Oval Office. Shortly after we win the presidency, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled and I will prevent, and I’m the only one that’s going to do it. 100% will prevent World War III, which is very close to happening. I will restore peace through strength. And in my next term, we will build a great Iron Dome missile defense shield over our country, a dome like none other, like nobody has ever seen before. And it will all be made in the USA and much of it will be made in the great state of Georgia. And I will not cut 1 cent from Social Security or Medicare. I kept that promise four years ago, and I will keep it again and seniors will not pay taxes on Social Security.

We are going to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safety, and beauty, better than they have ever been before. We will take over the horribly run capital of our nation in Washington D.C and clean it up, renovate it, rebuild our capital city so there’s no longer a nightmare of murder and crime. We’re going to stop the murder and crime. You go down from your state, you end up getting mugged or murdered in our capitol. It’ll be run tough and strong by our great police officers, but rather we will become the most beautiful capitol anywhere in the world. I could say again, but it’s been so badly run for so long. I almost don’t want to say again. On day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school, pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the shoulders of our children. And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

And I will keep men out of women’s sports if that’s okay. If Kamala Harris gets in, the travesty that is taking place at the Paris Olympics will come to America when we host the Los Angeles Olympics. And by the way, which I was president, we happened to get it. I was the president. I also got you a thing called the World Cup, which is coming very soon. I might as well say it myself because nobody else will say it, but I got them both. And you’re going to have a lot of fun with it I hope. Harris is a radical trans activist and she is the candidate of letting men beat up women in the name of tolerance. But you look at what’s happening over in Paris, it will never happen here. I will never let it happen.

I will get all males off your daughter’s soccer teams and volleyball teams and get them out of your locker rooms once and for all. That’s going to be cleaned up. And we will fight to make sure that the LA Olympics protects women and protects girls. I will fully uphold the Second Amendment and we will protect innocent life and we will restore free speech in our country. We don’t have free speech any longer. And very importantly, I will sue, and this is so to me, so important what we’ve been through in this country. I will secure our elections. Our goal will be one-day voting with paper ballots, proof of citizenship and voter ID.

But until then, Republicans must win. We want a landslide that’s too big to rig. Too big to rig. If you want to save America, get your friends, get your family, get everyone you know and vote. Vote early, vote absentee. Vote on the election day. Do whatever you want, but you have to vote. And if you want to help us ensure election integrity, please sign up,

So in conclusion, from Marietta to Macon, from Savannah to Columbus, from Augusta to right here in Atlanta, we inherit the legacy of red-blooded American patriots who gave their blood and tears to defend our country and defend our freedom. We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the ocean, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up those great big, beautiful skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and made America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world.

But now we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation. We are a nation that has lost its confidence, lost its willpower, and lost its strength. We are a nation that has lost its way, but we are not going to allow this horror to continue. Less than four years ago, we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again. With our leadership, every disaster, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have created can be fixed and it will be fixed very quickly. Every problem can be solved and every wrong can be rectified.

By this time next year, America’s borders will be strong, sealed, and secure. Inflation will be in full retreat. Our economy will be roaring back. It’s going to be roaring back. Optimism will be surging. The American dream will be thriving again for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed. Law and justice will reign all throughout our land. Freedom will be restored. The flame of liberty will be burning bright. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the worst administration in the history of our country, will be a fading memory of the past. And our great silent majority, including the once-forgotten men and women of our country, will be the one shaping America’s magnificent future when I am the 47th President of the United States.

Because we are all Americans and together we will show November 5th to be the most important day in the history of our country. We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. And together we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America free again and we will make America great again. Thank you, Georgia. God bless you all. Go out and vote. God bless you all. Thank you. Thank you.

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