Ron Johnson Speaks at RNC 2024 Night One

Ron Johnson Speaks at RNC 2024 Night One

Ron Johnson spoke at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Read the transcript here.

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Senator (00:00):

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Welcome to Wisconsin. 170 years ago, the Republican Party was born here, founded on the principle of freedom and dedicated to the fight to end slavery. It is an honor and privilege to represent the good, decent, hardworking, and very nice people of Wisconsin in the US Senate. Like most Americans, they believe the purpose of government is to help improve lives, not make them more difficult. Unfortunately, vice President Harris and President Biden had made our lives less safe and far more expensive. In other words, a lot more difficult.

Back in 2008, Joe Biden ran on a ticket promising to, “fundamentally transform America.” They weren’t joking. That was the Democrats new radical, far-left agenda. Today’s Democrat party is not the party of our parents and grandparents. That party cared about workers and people struggling to get by. Now they are the party of open borders, reckless spending, weaponized government and weakness on the world stage. This fringe agenda includes biological males competing against girls.

Crowd (01:49):


Senator (01:52):

And the sexualization and indoctrination of our children.

Crowd (01:58):


Senator (02:02):

Today’s Democrat agenda, their policies are a clear and present danger to America, to our institutions are values in our people. Democrats have forgotten American families. They have abandoned the hardworking middle class. For President Trump and Republicans, those forgotten Americans are forgotten no more. Republicans are the party of opportunity, liberty, and prosperity for all. We proved we know how to make life better for all Americans and we can do it again with a secure border, smaller government, less regulation, and lower taxes.

Republicans understand that Americans don’t want welfare, they want work. They don’t want woke equity, they want God-given equality.

Crowd (03:14):


Senator (03:14):

They want the promise of our founding documents, the right to pursue happiness. That’s what Republicans will deliver. We’ve repaired the damage caused by Democrats before, and we will do it again. We will complete the mission President Trump first articulated in 2016 to make America great again. Thank you and God bless you. Thank you.

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