President Donald Trump (00:00):
Beautiful. Anybody know who he is?
Peter (00:03):
President Donald Trump (00:04):
Hello, Peter.
Peter (00:05):
Hello, President Trump. Are you looking to buy or lease today?
President Donald Trump (00:07):
Oh, I'm going to buy and I'm going to buy because number one, it's a great product, as good as it gets. And number two, because this man has devoted his energy and his life to doing this, I think he's been treated very unfairly by a very small group of people. And I just want people to know that you can't be penalized for being a patriot, and he's a great patriot. And he's also done an incredible job with Tesla. And I mean, nobody else has a car company started up in the last 30 years that's been successful. I don't think so. And not only successful, but super successful. And because he's able to find billions and billions and billions of dollars of fraud and waste and all of the things. I mean, our country's going to be very strong very soon because of a lot of the things that he's done and a lot of the things that I'm doing.
And there's no better team. But there's no better… For what we're doing, there's nobody like this and he shouldn't be penalized. And when I watched the other day, I said, "I can't believe it." It should be the opposite. People should be going wild and they love the product, but because he's finding all sorts of terrible things that have taken place against our country, they want to penalize him in a economic sense. And I just think that's very unfair. So I just wanted to make a statement. I'm going to buy one now. Here's the bad news, I'm not allowed to drive because if I haven't driven a car in a long time and I love to drive cars, but I'm going to have it at the White House and I'm going to let my staff use it, I'm going to let people at the place use it. And they all are all excited about that. I'm not allowed to use it. Can you believe it?
Peter (01:48):
Some of the-
President Donald Trump (01:49):
One of my great things in life is that I can… I like to drive cars, but I'm not allowed to. And I will say this one, the Cybertruck, I bought for a very special young woman. Do you know? I'm sure you've never heard of her, Kai. And she's a great golfer and she puts the clubs in the back and I guess it's a very safe deal. She loves it. And I actually bought one about a year ago, and she loves it. And it's very safe. It's very strong, heavy. It's all steel, stainless steel, but the cars themselves… So what is this one, Elon?
Elon Musk (02:25):
That's a model Y.
President Donald Trump (02:27):
That's a model Y. So I have a lot of information, including the price. I want to make a good deal here. I do notice this, they have one which is $35,000, which is pretty low. What is that all about?
Elon Musk (02:40):
Yeah, I guess we wanted to make the point that Teslas aren't all expensive. You can get a Tesla for as little as $35,000. And I just wanted to thank the president for his support. This means a lot. And also, thank everyone out there who is supporting Tesla. It's really terrible that there's so much violence being perpetrated against people like Tesla, Tesla supporters, Tesla owners, Tesla stores. These are innocent people who've done nothing wrong.
President Donald Trump (03:10):
But nobody's been… I mean, there's been some physical damage, a little damage, and we want to keep it that way because I don't want to say this, it's just not the appropriate, but law enforcement's out there watching everybody. We don't want this to happen. And not just somebody that's been so good to our country, he didn't have to do this, he didn't have to go through this, and we can't let it happen. And aside from that, I happen to love the product. It's a lot nicer if you also happen to love the product. And he's done a really good job. Go ahead, Peter.
Peter (03:45):
I guess this is for Elon Musk. Is there a discount? President Trump wrote the art of the deal. Is there any kind of room for negotiating here?
President Donald Trump (03:53):
Let me answer that. I know he'd give me a discount, but honestly I don't want to ask for one. I'm President, so I want to pay full price.
Peter (04:00):
And what is your message President Trump? Buying a new car, while there are some folks who will see this clip at home and they are struggling with their retirement accounts, down at the moment, uncertainty about work ahead.
President Donald Trump (04:13):
Well, I think they're going to do great. I think our country had to do this. We had to go and do this. They've taken away… Other countries have taken away our business, they've taken away our jobs. I did it initially very strongly against as China and some others in the first term. And it was a very successful term. We had no inflation. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. And then, we had COVID, which we had to straighten out, so I didn't want to be doing anything with respect to other countries at that time. And we did a great job with it. We handed the stock market over. It was higher than it ever was. And think of that, higher than it ever was to that point before, and nobody thought that was even possible. We did a great job, but we had the greatest economy in history.
This economy, in my opinion's, going to blow it away. But what I have to do is I have to get the workers back, I have to get the factories open. We have 90,000 factories and plants are closed from what you had just prior to NAFTA, which is not very long ago, 90,000. Think of it, 90,000 factories and plants are closed from what it was, and it's just not right. And we gave it away. Presidents before me gave it away, and I could name every one of them, but they gave it away, and we're taking it back. We're taking our jobs back. And one of the things I'll say, by the way, speaking of Tesla, he manufactures more cars. I mean, he opened this incredible plant, one of the largest plants in the world, in Texas. Could you talk about that a little?
Elon Musk (05:47):
Yeah. It's worth noting that the Tesla cars have the most US content of any cars on the market, so they're the most American made. We have the biggest factory and the most advanced automotive factory in Texas that we've opened and continue to expand. And so, this is very much a… These are great products. A Model S has won best car ever. So all these cars have won incredible awards. So they're great cars and they're American made, and I think, try it, you'll like it.
President Donald Trump (06:22):
And I'm just saying beyond the cars, they're great, but we have to celebrate somebody that has the courage to do this. He could have said, " I'm not doing anything. I'm not going to get involved. Let the country go to hell." He didn't want to do that. And remember, he's going to find, and we're up to almost $500 billion worth of waste and fraud, $500 billion. We're giving $2 billion here, $2 billion, and not millions. It was a bet… If it was a million dollars or $2 million, that's a lot of money. But we're talking about billions of dollars being given to defunct scams, given to people with nothing. They have nothing going. They open up a subchapter-S corporation and they put $2 billion into it from nowhere, and we've caught a lot of them. I wish we could catch all of them, but we've caught a lot of them and he's been largely responsible, so we have to celebrate him. And it's not that he's conservative. I don't even know if he's conservative. I will tell you this, I've been doing this for… I've known him for a pretty long time. He endorsed me.
I didn't know him that well when he endorsed me, but in the time I've known him, he has never asked me for a favor. He didn't ask me for this. I said, "You know, Elon? I don't like what's happening to you, and Tesla is a great company. I don't like what's happening." It's from our standpoint, American cars, American made. He employs thousands of people. At the same time, he has the most modern plants in the world. I said, "I don't like what's happened to you. I'm going to do it." I didn't even know he was going to come. He's never asked me for anything. He endorsed me and he never asked me. I didn't even know he was going to endorse me. The guy has never asked me. He's not saying… In fact, I could go a step further. I ended the electric mandate. I entered the electric mandate, and I figured, "When's this guy calling to raise hell with me?" And he never called. I mean he never called me.
If I were him, I would've called. Because he is probably even better than I am.
Speaker 1 (08:26):
Mr. President, is Elon Musk rubbing off on you? Is electric then the way to go?
President Donald Trump (08:31):
It's not that… I'm not… This isn't for electric or gas because people have their choices. I'm just saying that I know people that have these cars. I know one man, we see him all the time. He's constantly… He has five of them. He thinks it's a great… And he was a big guy for Ferraris and other things. And he says, "Man, this… It blows them away." I know other people, they have three, four. They love them. They love them. And some people like the gasoline, and they should have their options. I'm all about options, but I'm
President Donald Trump (09:00):
I'm telling you, I ended the electric mandate and I was waiting for a call. I said, did Elon call yet? They said, no, sir. The next day, what about Elon? Did he call? He never even mentioned it to me, never complained. Until this moment, I'm just bringing it up. Who would do that? He has never asked me for a thing. And he's built this great company and he shouldn't be penalized because he's a patriot. He's an incredible patriot. And I don't even know if he's a Republican. I really don't.
Reporters (09:28):
Mr. President. Mr. President.
[inaudible 00:09:32].
President Donald Trump (09:32):
I'm not sure if he was.
Reporters (09:34):
Tesla stock is also-
President Donald Trump (09:34):
You're going to have drops and markets are going to go up and they're going to go down. But you know what? We have to rebuild our country. Our country has been stripped of its jobs, of its factories, and I'm tired of seeing where they build apartments. Cheap apartments in an old broken down factory. But you have factories all over the place that are empty from many decades ago. And we're going to change it around. And it's all taxing policy. It's really a policy… Because we have great workers, great people. It's really a policy of taxing and incentives. And I'm bringing the incentives back.
And I'll tell you what. Numerous plants, and I don't want to mention specifically, but I'll mention this one, numerous plants in Mexico and other places, that were under construction or soon to be under construction, are now coming here and they've dropped that because it was unfair what was happening. Mexico, they were building cars. They were selling them into the United States with no tax, no nothing. And in the United States, we were allowing them to take our jobs and take our factories. And we don't do that anymore.
Now, from a President, it would be a lot easier if I just coasted for another four years. I would've been an eight-year president. I had the best economy in history in my first four years. I would've done very well with this one. And I had a decision to make. Do I want to do this or do I not? Do I want to do it right? The right thing to do is what we're doing. We're going to get our jobs back and we're not going to be laughed at. Now, I will say this. That, already, Canada, and I respect very much, as you know, there's a very strong man in Canada who said he was going to charge a surcharge or a tariff on electricity coming into our country. He has called and he said he's not going to do that. Okay? He's not going to do that. And it would've been a very bad thing if he did and he's not going to do that, so I respect that. But we were just informed that he's not going to do that.
Look, we've been treated very unfairly by Canada. We've been treated very unfairly by Mexico, but we've been treated very unfairly by every country all over the world. The European Union is horrible. Horrible. And we're going to get it back. And I have a choice. I could just coast and, eventually, there'd be a blow up. Down the road, maybe a long way. But we owe $36 trillion and we're going to get it back. We're the biggest, we're the best and I'm very optimistic. I have to tell you, I'm very optimistic about the country. Much more optimistic this way than if I did it the easy way. I could have done it the easy way. I could have coasted.
Biden left us a mess. He left us tremendous inflation, tremendously high costs of products. He left us a mess. But he also left us a mess with millions of people that poured into our country that are criminals. Millions of those people happen to be criminals. And we're looking for them all over the place. We're looking for them. And Homan and Christie are doing an incredible job. But he left us a horrible situation and we're changing it. But one of the things we're changing is we're going to make our country really wealthy again. We're going to bring our jobs back. Right now we're like a chicken that's being plucked at from all over the world. We're not going to let that happen anymore.
Reporters (12:45):
Mr. President. Mr.-
President Donald Trump (12:48):
But very importantly, and I said it, Ukraine ceasefire. Ukraine ceasefire. Just agreed to a little while ago. Now we have to go to Russia and, hopefully, President Putin will agree to that also and we can get this show on the road. We can get this horrible war, where two, 3000 soldiers a week, every week, two, three, 4,000 sometimes. I get the reports. And they're not American soldiers. They're Ukrainian and they're Russian.
But people are being killed outside of that. People are being killed in the cities as things explode throughout the cities. And we want to get that war over with. I think it's a big difference between the last visit you saw at the Oval Office and the… That's a total ceasefire. Ukraine has agreed to it, and hopefully Russia will agree to it. We're going to meet with them later on today and tomorrow, and hopefully we'll be able to wipe out a deal. But I think the ceasefire is very important. If we can get Russia to do it, that'll be great. If we can't, we just keep going on and people are going to get killed. Lots of people.
Reporters (13:54):
Is Zelenskyy invited back to the White House?
President Donald Trump (13:56):
Sure. Absolutely.
Reporters (13:57):
Mr. President, you mentioned the ups and downs in the stock market. You said it'll go up, it'll go down. But do you and your tariff policies right now bear any responsibility for the turmoil we're seeing this week?
President Donald Trump (14:06):
No, I think that Biden gave us a horrible economy, he gave us horrible inflation, and I think the market was going to go very, very bad. If anything, I have a lot of very smart people, friends of mine and great businessmen. They're now investing because of what I'm doing. Because long-term, what I'm doing is making our country strong again. Financially strong, militarily strong and strong if we want to get away…
Remember this, we have wars. When I left, we had no wars. We didn't have Ukraine and Russia. We didn't have October 7th. We didn't have that disaster that took place with the withdrawal from Afghanistan. And you look at what's happened there, we caught the major terrorists, which Biden wouldn't have caught. Why didn't he catch him? I caught him five weeks into the presidency. I caught the man responsible for Abbey Gate, and he's going to pay hell right now. He's a bad dude. He's a bad guy.
But we didn't have these problems. I had no inflation. I had a great economy. He gave you high prices. You couldn't buy bacon, you couldn't buy anything. And also, I inherited a situation with eggs. The price of eggs was through the roof. Now, the price of eggs has come down a lot. Interest rates have come down, gasoline prices have come down. It's all coming down. It's all a beautiful thing. I can do it the right way or the wrong way. We're doing it the right way. And I have tremendous confidence in this country and the people of this country. Tremendous… Much more so than if I sat back for four years and had a good time in the Oval Office. I want to look at cars.
Elon Musk (15:41):
Mr. President, I have an announcement to make that I think could be helpful. I want to say, as a function of the great policies of President Trump and his administration, and as an act of faith in America, Tesla is going to double vehicle output in the United States within the next two years. Double.
President Donald Trump (16:00):
That's a big deal. That's great. Thank you. And by the way, he makes one car… This one I don't understand. This one I don't want, but that's okay. Without a steering wheel. It comes out next year, right?
Elon Musk (16:09):
President Donald Trump (16:09):
Explain that please.
Elon Musk (16:10):
Yes. The Cybercab starts production in Texas next year and it's self-driving. We have so much confidence in the self-driving nature of it that it'll actually not have a steering wheel, it will not have pedals. It'll either self-drive or not drive at all, but it'll self-drive.
Reporters (16:26):
President Trump-
President Donald Trump (16:27):
And I'm going to pass on that particular…
Reporters (16:30):
Before this event today, when's the last time you bought a new car?
President Donald Trump (16:34):
I buy a lot through my children because they run the company now. I used to buy a lot. I haven't bought a new car in a long time.
Reporters (16:43):
What was your first car?
President Donald Trump (16:44):
The only thing I know is the beast. I got a big car with very thick windows and thick side panels.
Reporters (16:50):
Is that going electric?
President Donald Trump (16:53):
No, but we buy a lot of cars. Actually, I bought this one for Kai.
Reporters (16:58):
Do you remember your first car?
You mentioned the Ontario Premier calling you and giving you his decision about the electricity surcharge and you said you were pleased about that. Will you make a different decision now about the tariffs on Canada? Will you reduce it?
President Donald Trump (17:11):
We're not looking at that, but probably so. Yeah. He was a gentleman.
Reporters (17:14):
Will you reduce it back?
President Donald Trump (17:15):
He was a gentleman. Look, I said it before. We give Canada 200 billion a year. We subsidize Canada. Between all of the things we give them, and trade, we give them… We don't have to have cars made in Canada. We don't have to have lumber from Canada. We have tremendous lumber. We have tremendous trees. All I have to do is unfreeze them from some of the restrictions that were put on. I can do that with an executive order.
We don't need energy. We have more energy than anybody else in the world, so we spend 200 billion a year subsidizing Canada. We don't have to do that. And frankly, the way that gets solved is Canada should, honestly, become our 51st state. We wouldn't have a northern border problem. We wouldn't have a tariff
President Donald Trump (18:00):
… problem, they don't have much… They spend very little, as you know, the least of almost anybody on military. And we spend the most of anybody on military. We have a great military. I rebuilt the military during my first time. We're going to have to rebuild it a little bit again, not that much, but we're going to have to rebuild it a little bit again. But Canada would be great as our cherished 51st state. You wouldn't have to worry about borders, you wouldn't have to worry about anything. And by the way, Canada is very highly taxed and we're very low-tax. We're considered a low-tax nation because of me, because I cut the taxes so low. So the people of Canada would pay much less tax.
Peter (18:38):
But just to be clear, what that-
President Donald Trump (18:39):
It makes a lot of sense. And by the way, when you take away that artificial line that looks like it was done with a ruler… And that's what it was, some guy sat there years ago and they said, "Rah." Well, when you take away that and you look at that beautiful formation of Canada and the United States, there is no place anywhere in the world that looks like that. It's so nice.
Elon Musk (19:01):
Plus Greenland, of course. Plus Greenland.
President Donald Trump (19:03):
And then if you add Greenland, that's even… That's pretty good too.
Elon Musk (19:06):
It's going to look beautiful.
President Donald Trump (19:07):
Peter (19:07):
Mr. President, what are you telling the CEOs tonight?
President Donald Trump (19:09):
I'm going to look at this. I'm going to make a decision. Do you want to hear about my decision?
Elon Musk (19:12):
Let's hear it.
President Donald Trump (19:12):
Okay. What's your best of these cars? What do you think?
Elon Musk (19:15):
Well, the car that I drive is the Model S Class vehicle.
President Donald Trump (19:18):
Which is that one?
Elon Musk (19:19):
That red one in the middle.
President Donald Trump (19:20):
I like that. Yeah, I like that.
Elon Musk (19:23):
Yeah. It's zero to 60 miles an hour in two seconds. It's faster than a Ferrari.
President Donald Trump (19:29):
That's pretty fast. I don't know if my people can handle it. Jeff, they're going to be using it more. I'm not allowed to use it.
Speaker 2 (19:34):
It looks fast, sir.
President Donald Trump (19:35):
That's a fast one.
Peter (19:36):
Just to be clear, for the 50%, is that going to go into effect on Canada or not?
President Donald Trump (19:40):
Which one?
Peter (19:41):
The 50% tariffs.
President Donald Trump (19:43):
I'll let you know about it.
Peter (19:44):
President Donald Trump (19:44):
I'll let you. But I appreciated his call. I thought it was nice. This is beautiful. Whoa, should I get in?
Brian (19:53):
Get in. Get in.
President Donald Trump (19:53):
Elon Musk (19:58):
Have you ever sat behind the wheel in one of these, of a Tesla?
President Donald Trump (20:00):
Do you want my notes?
Elon Musk (20:01):
President Donald Trump (20:02):
They gave me notes. I said, "I'm not Biden. I don't need notes."
Brian (20:04):
I'll give you one.
Elon Musk (20:06):
I can take that.
President Donald Trump (20:07):
Thank you.
Elon Musk (20:07):
Thank you.
President Donald Trump (20:09):
Let me get into this [inaudible 00:20:11]. I'll watch Secret Service go crazy. Thank you.
Elon Musk (20:14):
I mean, if you actually drove it around, that would really be wow.
President Donald Trump (20:20):
Whoa, it's beautiful. Wow.
Elon Musk (20:20):
Can I get in this other side?
President Donald Trump (20:26):
That's beautiful. This is a different panel than I've had. Everything's computer. That's beautiful. Wow. This sign here, it's just a brake?
Elon Musk (20:40):
Yeah, this is a brake and then you start it. We'll give Secret Service a call now.
President Donald Trump (20:47):
That's beautiful.
Elon Musk (20:49):
Can you start it?
President Donald Trump (20:50):
Can I? I'll see if the engine… You going to get a [inaudible 00:20:58]?
Elon Musk (20:59):
Do you want to actually drive it?
President Donald Trump (21:03):
You don't want me to drive it, do you?
Elon Musk (21:05):
I saw Biden do a test move through once in the Jeep. It's very easy to drive.
President Donald Trump (21:12):
You're the only one that saw it.
Elon Musk (21:15):
It's like driving a golf cart basically.
President Donald Trump (21:20):
No, it's beautiful. Very simple.
Elon Musk (21:21):
It's very simple. So it's literally like a golf cart that goes really fast. There's no gears and no [inaudible 00:21:24],
President Donald Trump (21:24):
This is really amazing.
Peter (21:31):
Mr. President are you going to get it wrapped in gold?
President Donald Trump (21:33):
Do you think Biden could get into that car? I don't think so. No, that's beautiful.
Peter (21:38):
Mr. President talk about some of the violence that's been going on around the country at dealerships. Some say they should be labeled domestic terrorists, because-
President Donald Trump (21:46):
I will do that. I'll do it. I'm going to stop them. We catch anybody doing it… Because they're harming a great American company. And I've stuck up for the NFL. I've stuck up for a lot of American companies and other companies, but American companies. I did a very big favor for the NFL. I do favors for all of them. When you heard an American company, especially a company like this, supplies so many jobs that others are unable to do, when you do that, those people are going to go through a big problem when we catch them. And you got a lot of cameras up. We already know who some of them are. We're going to catch them. And they're bad guys. They're the same guys that screw around with our schools and universities, the same garbage. And no, we're going to catch them. And let me tell you, you do it to Tesla and you do it to any company, we're going to catch you and you're going to go through hell.
Speaker 3 (22:41):
Mr. President, your comments-
Peter (22:41):
Mr. President, what are you going to tell the CEO's tonight at the Business Roundtable, especially with the [inaudible 00:22:44]?
President Donald Trump (22:44):
Well, we have a Roundtable, to make in a little while. I just considered this much more important, because I want to buy one of these. My whole staff is so excited, because I told them they're going to safely use them and they can't believe it. So Margo, wherever you are, Margo?
Margo (22:59):
I'm here.
President Donald Trump (22:59):
She's going to use it. They're all going to be using it and they're going to have a good time using it. Oh, there you are. Look, Margo's right there. What are you a member of the press now?
Margo (23:08):
President Donald Trump (23:10):
I think she's become a member of the press. Takes great pictures. What do you think of it, Margo? Do you like the idea?
Margo (23:15):
I love it.
President Donald Trump (23:16):
Okay, good.
Margo (23:17):
We're going to have fun.
President Donald Trump (23:18):
You're very happy.
Speaker 3 (23:19):
Mr. President, your comments the other day, not ruling out a potential recession seemed to rattle the stock markets. The Commerce Secretary said there wouldn't be one-
President Donald Trump (23:26):
I think this country is going to boom, just so you know.
Speaker 3 (23:27):
Specifically on the recession, do you think there will be a recession?
President Donald Trump (23:31):
I don't see it at all. I think this country's going to boom. But as I said, I can do it the easy way or the hard way. The hard way to do it, is exactly what I'm doing. But the results are going to be 20 times greater.
Peter (23:43):
Mr. President, you asked-
Brian (23:44):
I agree.
President Donald Trump (23:45):
And remember, Trump is always right, right? The hat?
Speaker 3 (23:47):
And what do you say to Americans-
President Donald Trump (23:48):
If you look at what I've said over the last 10 years, Trump has been right all the time.
Elon Musk (23:53):
President Donald Trump (23:54):
This is the way to do it. We're going to make America great again. To make it great, you have to have jobs, you have to have factories, you have to have… I look at some of the things like this last administration, he was the worst president in the history of our country. Nothing was happening, nothing. He had no idea what was going on. Our country went to hell. And then to allow millions of people to come in that are prisoners and mental institution patients and all of the things, gang members, drug lords, we're searching them all down now trying to get them out of our country, and we're going to do that. But on the financial end and the economic end, what we're doing is, to me it's the most exciting, our country will be greater than ever before and it won't take too long.
Speaker 3 (24:40):
And what's your message to Americans right now, sir, who are worried about the stock market? What's your message to them as they watch it?
Elon Musk (24:46):
I was going to say, the Cybertruck is [inaudible 00:24:48]. Have you…
President Donald Trump (24:48):
Let's go see the Cybertruck. I did buy one of these.
Elon Musk (24:56):
This is bulletproof.
Margo (24:58):
No more questions.
President Donald Trump (24:59):
Look, in terms of imagination, I think I have a great imagination. Who else, but this guy would design this? And everybody on the road is looking at it. It's amazing, actually. As soon as I saw it, I said, "That is the coolest design." Do you agree with that, Brian?
Brian (25:16):
I do.
President Donald Trump (25:16):
It's amazing.
Brian (25:17):
It's very cool. Yeah.
President Donald Trump (25:17):
You got to give him credit.
Elon Musk (25:19):
We want the future to look like the future. And it's what kind of truck would the Blade Runner drive? That was the design idea.
President Donald Trump (25:27):
It's really amazing.
Elon Musk (25:28):
Peter (25:28):
Hey, Elon, are you planning to remain CEO of Tesla while working with President Trump? Is there any thinking on your future at the company? As we're talking about Tesla, I'm wondering what you're thinking is with leading the company going forward?
Elon Musk (25:41):
Yeah, I'm CEO of Tesla and…
President Donald Trump (25:43):
He should.
Elon Musk (25:44):
Brian (25:44):
Any more plans on additional vehicles besides the ones you have now, new models?
Peter (25:48):
Any more thoughts on the market?
Elon Musk (25:48):
There's a Cybercab coming out next year. Which is-
President Donald Trump (25:50):
The one with no steering wheel. Are you going to buy one?
Brian (25:52):
No, sir. I will not, with all due respect sir.
President Donald Trump (25:53):
We'll pass. We're too old-fashioned.
Peter (25:55):
Mr. President, when you look at the markets selling off, that didn't concern you? And where do you see it going?
President Donald Trump (25:59):
Nope, it doesn't concern me. I think some people are going to make great deals by buying stocks and bonds and all the things they're buying. I think we're going to have an economy that's a real economy, not a fake economy. It was a fake economy. They were putting in all government jobs. You see what happened last week, last month? We had more real jobs and government jobs are way down. That's going to continue. Those are real jobs. Those are jobs that keep the country going. You can't have all government jobs. You have no income to pay the workers.
Elon Musk (26:31):
President Donald Trump (26:31):
And a lot of those workers didn't show up to work. That was the other problem.
Peter (26:34):
And President Trump, there's this protest leader from Columbia University that the administration is moving to deport. And he said that his arrest is going to be the first of many. How many?
President Donald Trump (26:45):
I think we ought to get them all out of the country. They're troublemakers. They're agitators. They don't love our country. We ought to get them the hell out. I think that guy, we ought to get him… I heard his statements too, they were plenty bad. And I think we ought to get him the hell out of the country. I watched them. I watched the
President Donald Trump (27:00):
… tapes specifically, I watch tapes. And you can have them, okay? You can have them and you can have the rest of them. Let them go to school, let them learn. Columbia used to be a good school, now it's been overrun because of bad leadership. That's what happens. It happens to countries and it happens to universities and it happens to companies. And I don't want it to happen to a guy that did nothing wrong. He did everything right because he did a great company. But what he did by coming into government, to help government from years of abuse, from decades of abuse.
And you see that when you look at Social Security where you have 200-year-old people on the rolls. That's just, he uses the word care. People don't care. Everyone knows that. But I believe it's also a large fraud. I think it's that, but I think it's also a large fraud. So I'm just telling people, this man is a great patriot and you should cherish him. You should cherish him. I have a little statement, "We have to take care of our high-IQ people because we don't have too many of them." And we've got to take care of them.
Speaker 4 (28:05):
Mr. President, will you talk to President Putin about-
Peter (28:07):
Mr. President, as you guys look at the Social Security Administration and you guys are looking for fraud and waste and abuse, can you guarantee people who are concerned about an interruption to benefits that there will not be?
Elon Musk (28:20):
Yes, we're going to be very careful with any interruption to benefits. In fact, only by tackling the waste and fraud in entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, can we actually preserve those programs for the future. Because with unchecked fraud and waste, we won't be able to afford them. The president is very dedicated to solving the budget deficit, which if we don't solve the budget deficit, we're going to go bankrupt as a country. If we go bankrupt as a country, there's no Social Security, there's no Medicare, there's no nothing. And to echo what the president was saying, what really matters is moving people from jobs that are relatively low productivity in government to higher productivity in the private sector, increasing the true output of products and services. That's the real economy. That's what actually enables Americans to have a higher standard of living. And that's what's happening. And I think you'll see the truth to that in the months to come.
President Donald Trump (29:13):
And we're going to make it really much stronger by taking people that don't exist or taking people that shouldn't be there out, by taking illegal aliens that are on Social Security or on Medicaid and Medicare, by taking them out, we're making it much stronger. The country will be much stronger, but it's going to really be stronger economically. And when you look at what we're doing, I've been called by so many companies, yesterday as you know, I had a meeting with some of the biggest tech companies in the world and all they're talking about, I'm thinking IBM was there, we had a lot of them, Michael Dell was there. We had a lot of great companies, Hewlett-Packard. And all they're talking about is investing in this country.
They want to be sure, don't forget, they're looking down the road 10 years and 15 years, they want to make sure we have a strong country. They're all coming in. As you know, Apple, Tim Cook, he said that he's going to invest $500 billion in the United States. He never did that before. He invested in China, he's got his plants in China. And now he's going to be building in the United States. And if I didn't have a victory in that election, he wouldn't be doing it. And if I didn't say what I'm saying and I'm being very honest and it's much more difficult than just sitting around and having a great time. It's a very glamorous position, if you want to do that, we could have kept it, but eventually bad things would've happened, this way good things. I'm very optimistic about the country. I think we're going to have the greatest markets we've ever had. And it's going to be really fueled by what we're doing. You had to see these companies yesterday, they're investing billions and trillions. They're investing trillions of dollars here. They wouldn't have invested 10 cents.
Speaker 4 (30:56):
Mr. President, will you talk to Vladimir Putin about this ceasefire deal? Do you think you need to have a conversation with him to get the Russians to agree?
President Donald Trump (31:03):
Yeah, I'll talk to Vladimir Putin. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (31:04):
When will you talk with him?
President Donald Trump (31:05):
Look, that's the other way. It takes two to tango, as they say. So hopefully he'll also agree. And I really think that would be 75% of the way, the rest is getting it documented and negotiating land positions, et cetera.
Speaker 4 (31:19):
So you'll talk to him this week about the deal?
President Donald Trump (31:21):
I think so, yeah.
Speaker 4 (31:21):
And when do you anticipate meeting him in person?
Speaker 5 (31:22):
So you have a ceasefire in place on the Ukrainian side, how close do you think then you are to a total ceasefire with the-
President Donald Trump (31:29):
Well, I hope it'll be over the next few days. I'd like to see. I know we have a big meeting with Russia tomorrow and some great conversations hopefully will ensue. The people have done a great job. Marco Rubio has been great. Steve Witkoff's been great. Michael Waltz. Every one of them, they've really stepped up, they are into it. They want to see two things. By far number one is death of the people that aren't citizens of our country, but they're people just like you. They're people. And we want to stop. And we also don't want to give billions and hundreds of billions of dollars away. We're in there for $350 billion. And there was no reason, this war would've never happened if I was president. So it's a very sad thing. Thank you all very much. I love Tesla.
Speaker 5 (32:20):
Which one did you buy?
Speaker 6 (32:20):
Mr. President, which car are you going to buy?
President Donald Trump (32:21):
The one I like is that one.
Speaker 7 (32:23):
How does this work?
President Donald Trump (32:24):
And I want that same color.
Speaker 7 (32:25):
Are you going to put down a credit card? Elon, would you take a personal check from the president?
President Donald Trump (32:29):
I do it the old-fashioned way. I give checks. I like checks, they're easy to clear.
Elon Musk (32:32):
I think his credit's good.
Speaker 8 (32:34):
Do you still have access?
President Donald Trump (32:34):
I like a check better than this modern system of all of a sudden there's money in your account, nobody knows. I like signing a check. But we're going to pay. And I don't want a discount. He would give me a discount, but if I do a discount, they're going to say, "Oh, he got benefits." I don't want any discount.
Speaker 7 (32:51):
What about a vanity plate?
President Donald Trump (32:54):
Yeah, let's see. Truth.
Elon Musk (32:57):
All right. There it is.
Speaker 9 (32:59):
Elon, can he download his playlist?
Elon Musk (33:00):
President Donald Trump (33:00):
T-R-U-T-H, Truth. That one got you by surprise.
Speaker 9 (33:03):
Playlists get downloaded as well, you can thump your music driving around.
Elon Musk (33:06):
Yeah. It's absolutely amazing.
President Donald Trump (33:06):
I just looked at that dashboard, you could do anything.
Speaker 10 (33:09):
Mr. President, do you think buying a Tesla will boost Tesla sales and boost their stock?
President Donald Trump (33:14):
Well, I hope it does. Look.
Speaker 10 (33:15):
Was that your goal by doing this?
President Donald Trump (33:16):
I care about one thing. When somebody's a great patriot, they shouldn't be hurt. He's a great patriot. He didn't know me from Adam until we met a little bit when I was in my first term. But he came out, he endorsed me very strongly. And I admired that, I respected that, and I respected him for years. I respected him. And when there was a chance to help our government, you know you're not going to use an average person. Some people would say, "Well, let's use somebody that failed in business for his whole life." This guy has been amazing. And the kind of thinking, it's from a different age. It's really from a different age. When we said, "Let's cut 2%, he said, let's cut 60%. And he turned out to be right.
And a lot of people are just not here, they don't work for us. I mean, they're getting checks and they don't work. And you know, Peter, look, we have so many different stats and so many different figures and it's so embarrassing to us as a country. No, we're going to have a streamlined country with good people. And one of the reasons I called for the, it wasn't a cabinet meeting, it was just a meeting of some cabinet members and Elon. The one thing, and I think he agrees with me 100%, it's one thing to cut, but we want to cut the wrong people. Meaning we want to cut people that aren't doing the job. We want to keep the right people.
Elon Musk (34:32):
President Donald Trump (34:32):
And I said, "I don't want to just say we're going to cut 50%. I want to cut the people that aren't doing the job, the people that aren't there, the people that are scamming the system." And he agrees with that 100%.
Speaker 11 (34:44):
Are you sure you don't want to take a test drive?
President Donald Trump (34:46):
I'd love to do it. Maybe I'll do it some other time.
Speaker 12 (34:49):
Do you want Elon to keep working with you throughout your first term? I mean, is there going to be an end date for the two of you working together in the next few years?
President Donald Trump (34:55):
I don't know, I was thinking about that the other day. I think he'll know when it's time.
Speaker 12 (34:58):
President Donald Trump (34:59):
He doesn't want to stay around [inaudible 00:35:01].
Speaker 12 (35:00):
[inaudible 00:35:01] 130 days.
President Donald Trump (35:01):
Although I think he does like it. There's no place like the White House, so maybe.
Speaker 12 (35:04):
Elon, would you want to stay?
President Donald Trump (35:05):
I don't think that. I think he wants to get the job, then get back to his businesses. That's what I think.
Elon Musk (35:13):
I'll stay as long as it's useful and productive. And if I can help the country, I'll stay and do so.
President Donald Trump (35:19):
Okay. Thank you everybody.
Speaker 12 (35:20):
Thanks, President Trump.
Speaker 4 (35:22):
Thank you.
Speaker 10 (35:22):
Thank you, President Trump.
President Donald Trump (35:22):
Good looking guy here.
Peter (35:24):
Elon, thank you.
President Donald Trump (35:26):
Thank you everybody.
Elon Musk (35:26):
Thanks guys.
President Donald Trump (35:31):
Thank you everybody. What a surprise. It's nice, is it?
Speaker 13 (35:36):
Yes, sir.