Coming Soon: Self-Serve Legal Transcripts, No Contract Needed

Rev's quality legal transcripts will soon be available in a more affordable, self-serve format. Plus, we offer enterprise accounts with bespoke transcript formatting and dedicated customer support.

Learn Which Rev Transcripts Are Right For You

Understand all of Rev’s product offerings and choose what’s right for your business.

Transcripts In Minutes

Instant Rough Draft

$0.35 per page
$0.25 per minute
> 30 minutes
AI transcripts in 30 minutes or less
Industry-leading transcript accuracy
Q/A and bylines included
Multi-channel audio support
Support for multiple file types, including trials
Transcripts With A Human Touch

Human Rough Draft

$2.25 per page
$1.60 per minute
Standard 3 Business Days
AI + human transcripts with 99%+ Accuracy
Pick your date for same-day to 3-day turnaround for transcript delivery
Q/A and bylines included
Multi-channel audio support
Support for multiple proceeding types, including trials
Tech enabled human services
no commitment pricing

Ready to Certify

$2.50 per page
$1.80 per minute
Standard 5 Business Days
Premium transcripts ready to be signed, certified and filed
Rev library of standard jurisdiction templates with cover pages
AI plus human transcription for 99%+ Accuracy
Pick your date for same-day to 5-day turnaround for transcript delivery
Q/A and bylines included
Q/A and bylines included
Support for multiple proceeding types, including trials
For Ease of Certification

Ready to Certify Premium ENTERPRISE ONLY

$3.25 per page
$2.30 per minute
Standard 5 Business Days
Customized, premium transcripts ready to be signed, certified, and filed
AI plus multiple layers of human transcription for 99.9%+ Accuracy
Pick your date for same-day to 5-day turnaround transcript delivery
Q/A and bylines included
Multi-channel audio support
Support for multiple proceeding types, including trials
Backup audio review to reconcile inaudibles
Custom formatting and preferences supported
No editing needed

Ready to Save on Transcription?

Be among the first to know when pay-as-you-go pricing is available and get ready to scale your business with cost-effective, court-ready transcripts.